Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [coord] give " in BNC.

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1 I decided that I needed to get some support , to find someone who could , let us say , take charge of me and give me advice .
2 He reached out , catching her by the shoulders to jerk her back towards him and give her a hard shake that made her head spin .
3 go past him and give him a fucking shot on the hooter twat
4 Work out what Z one divided by Z two is , and then find the argument of it and give your answer in ratings , there .
5 Why do n't you get rid of it and give that customer a twenty four hour delivery service
6 Cos when you get your takeaway they erm they carry it to the door for you and give it to you when you get to the door , and they hand
7 When it is pointed out that a number of Labour programmes have been markedly radical , as in 1945 and 1983 , then it is claimed that the leaders have failed to be behind them and give them their solid backing and support .
8 ‘ Come home with me and give us a concert , ’ said Jarvis .
9 Which means that you 're likely to have a much clearer view of things than most , unsullied by ambition and administrative politics-by a reluctance to deal with me and give me what I want . ’
10 I give you one bio-day exactly to make contact with me and give me your answer . ’
11 Will you come back with me and give Jack Owen the benefit of your opinion ? ’
12 He does n't know where we are at the moment and if the authorities catch up with him and give him my address it will be more trouble than it 's worth . ’
13 I think erm what , what we , what I 'd really like to do is if I could get in touch with him and give him the chance to make up his own mind er then he could decide whether or not he would like to have a chat with me and I 'd just run a few ideas by him , just as you 've done , without any pressure er and he can make his own decisions .
14 This time Liverpool should stick with him and give him a run .
15 Right , yes I shall happy to convey to the moderator that Synod was er totally satisfied with the reports that are here before me and give them one hundred percent support in the work .
16 I would remind you that I am the captain of this ship and that at sea not even an admiral can take over from me or give orders which I consider to be to the detriment of this vessel . ’
17 However , a magnificent aspect to Saturn on June 8 will bring out the romantic in you and give you a rare feeling of liberation .
18 If you do n't have a number , ring the Coastguard who will be only too pleased to hear from you and give the relevant contacts .
19 I want to gorge on life with you , I want to take your strength from you and give you my care .
20 If I could put a starving child before him and give it food and let him watch it grow well , I know he 'd give money .
21 I get this real strong urge to stand behind her and put my arms round her and give her a hug , but I do n't move .
22 This provided for arrangements to secure ransom money if necessary , to pool any gains of war and invest them profitably , and , if one left a widow , to make some provision for her and give some protection for surviving children .
23 I have a solicitor in England who will reply to them and give them instructions . ’
24 And I think you 've got ta address my doubts because if I have doubts how am I going to stand in front of members and say hang on a minute , I can give you all of these answers , I can tell you what unison 's going to be like and this is what 's been decided , now come back to me and give me your fears , give me your doubts and I 'll go and take them on to represent you .
25 I had n't bargained for the next difficulty : ‘ It wo n't work , ’ he commented , ‘ because my son smokes and he 'll take pity on me and give me one when I run out . ’
26 Privately Captain Simcox hoped the IRA would be a match for the Tans — well , perhaps that was expecting too much — but it would be something if they could put some manners on them and give them a bloody nose now and again .
27 If you lost a leg they 'd stick a false one on you or give you a set of wheels .
28 When you or your travel agent asks for your holiday booking to be confirmed , we allocate your chosen holiday to you and give confirmation of the booking at that moment .
29 She 'll talk to you and give you advice and say , ‘ Now behave yourself , do n't get into no trouble . ’
30 I 'll write to you and give you the information .
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