Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] cause [art] " in BNC.

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1 This quest for control of resources caused a row in the London Borough of Newham last week when a council recommendation to fund a refugee centre was — unsuccessfully in the end — opposed by Muslim councillors , who argued for a Muslim centre instead .
2 This shift of resources caused a political outcry from the Shire Counties , so that formulae were then manipulated in order to appease this pressure .
3 This state of affairs causes no surprise when it is recognised that ‘ what is understood is at least as dependent on how the receptor perceives the message as on how the communicator presents it ’ ( Kraft 1979:148 ) .
4 Oxidation of hops causes a loss and alteration of flavours .
5 The internal conflicts caused by his strong Quaker beliefs and lack of prospects caused a breakdown when he was twenty-one .
6 But as the fall in the proportion of domestic servants began after professional families started to limit their families , it seems probable that the limitation of children caused the reduction in domestic service .
7 For as long as I can remember , it has been standard medical teaching that teething of babies causes no symptoms .
8 They are jointly accused of conspiring with others to cause an explosion likely to endanger life .
9 The process of breaking down toxic waste in filters causes the formation on nitrates and nitric acid , which can exhaust the pH buffer ( if present ) , and cause sudden drops in the pH .
10 One of the pitfalls of this kind of research is that , far from events causing a particular disorder , the causal sequence may actually be the reverse .
11 Yes , and you get all the animals who are experimented on and you sa there 's not a week that comes out and you do n't an a report saying , oh well this this , this causes cancer in rats or and you , imagine the amount , the huge amounts of the sub , whatever substance it is that had been given to rats to cause the cancer , and there 's no knowing that the amount that 's gon na be given to rats causing cancer , will give cancer to humans !
12 We also measure the index based on incidents causing a loss of more than three days , which is the index used by most operating oil companies as the measure of industrial health and safety performance .
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