Example sentences of "[prep] [art] period in " in BNC.

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1 Note : National changes in costs/prices for the period in question were as follows :
2 Disclose the aggregate finance charges for the period in respect of finance leases .
3 In other words , revenue should be shown for the period in which it is earned and not when it is paid .
4 A cash flow forecast , showing the sources and uses of money for the period in question is as important as the balance sheet in this situation .
5 A cash flow forecast , showing the sources and uses of money for the period in question is as important as the balance sheet in this situation .
6 Revenues realized in a particular period ( measured by the selling prices of goods and services delivered to customers ) less related expenses ( measured by the cost of goods and services used ) gives a profit for the period in question .
7 Now in between those two extremes , the notion on the one hand that somehow national character is biologically predetermined , and the other that what nations do is merely accidental , erm you 've got the whole area of erm education , state control of the media , newspapers , erm even prisons and armies , conscription , things of that kind , which actually fashion erm national character for , not forever , but for the period in which those forces are in control , and that is a particular message that the youth of that country is receiving .
8 They also powerfully helped to shape the subsequent roles and responsibilities of the major providers during the period in the District .
9 Although enrolled student numbers increased during the period in all types of classes , membership of the WEA gradually declined , an indication perhaps that it was more for personal educational value rather than support for a wider social movement that adults attended District classes .
10 Given the date , it was then a question of working backwards and consulting an old diary ; and I found that during the period in question I was in India for Panorama .
11 As a result of the bi-modal pattern of female involvement in paid employment ( reflecting the demands of child rearing ) , women tend to be absent from work during the period in which men tend to acquire the post-entry professional qualifications which are required for promotion .
12 The relationship between fertility rates and mortality rates has created a population structure which has varied substantially during the period in question .
13 But at this point it is worth mentioning briefly that there are plenty of examples of people ‘ losing touch ’ with their elderly parents as a way of avoiding maintenance payments , during the period in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries , when certain Boards of Guardians were trying rigidly to enforce financial liabilities .
14 Let us examine the implications of this ; property crime became by far the most common form of crime during the period in which the prison emerged ; therefore forced labour would have become the most common punishment ; forced labour requires incarceration ( people tend not to turn up for it of their own free will ) .
15 This System Description has been prepared to assist the staff who will control and use the computer system during the period in which the text of the New OED is edited in preparation for the publication of the integrated , paper edition .
16 The transactions demand is related to the function money performs as a medium of exchange in that a certain quantity of money balances is required by economic transactors simply to purchase the goods and services they expect to buy during the period in question .
17 Organisers should notify the University as to whether the induction loop facility is required during the period in which the Great Hall is in use .
18 The Christian communities were most active during the period in which Mns Romero was Archbishop of San Salvador ( 1977–80 ) :
19 During the period in which the Conservatives have been in power it was said , first , that we needed only one terminal , Waterloo .
20 The report singled out Gerrit Viljoen , who headed the department during the period in question , for particular criticism .
21 In addition , a source and application of funds statement ( an example of which is shown in Fig. 2.3 ) is usually produced to show the various sources of funds received during the period in question and how those funds have been spent .
22 During the period in which the oesophagus was perfused with 25 ml of 0.1 M HCl over five minutes in eight subjects , no symptoms were reported and mean salivary bicarbonate secretion was unaltered ( basal 5665 µmol/hour , after acid bolus 5337 µmol/hour , p=0.94 ) .
23 Now South America , as we have seen , was isolated during the period in which horses and cattle were evolving in other parts of the world .
24 The next ten years of international arguments about whaling are best known as the period in which many more countries joined or rejoined the IWC , when the Indian Ocean was designated as a whale sanctuary and when the sperm whale was effectively protected after 200 years of exploitation .
25 ‘ Budgie ’ was Palace 's extrovert and excellent goalkeeper through the period in which Palace sought and grasped the 2nd Division championship in 1978–79 and a stable security in Division One the following year .
26 Bull 's reply prompted a hurricane finish by the Second Division side after a period in which Villa looked to have weathered the storm .
27 But while Yorkshire fail on the field there will always be discontent , and Boycott , after a period in which he appeared to have submerged himself in a media career , may head the opposition once more .
28 Things have begun to swing towards more enforcement after a period in which , as you note , the Sherman and Clayton acts were forgotten and the authorities charged with enforcing them were starved of resources .
29 This was all happening while I was walking through the bus station and taking my place in the queue ; and when I gained my seat I began looking in my bag for a piece of paper and a biro , and then , on the inside of a chocolate-bar wrapping I wrote what I must memorize and recite if I were to get the message over to the doctor — I , who even made heavy weather of describing a sore throat ; I , who after a period in the waiting-room could dry up so as to be virtually dumb .
30 Also , using 4WD seems to cause a minor oil leak which again appears to be self curing after a period in normal drive .
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