Example sentences of "[prep] [art] council [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One commonly heard complaint from relatives is that ‘ I was told she was too disturbed for the council day centre as they could n't stop her from wandering out ’ , yet ‘ The doctor at the day hospital said they only took short-term cases , people who could get better and move on . ’
2 With a 10-strong team heading for the council chamber , Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams claimed they out-polled the SDLP in the city by some 9,000 votes .
3 Yes , that was for the council election .
4 But I do feel I do feel that er he will be , he will be assisted by having close people to clarify his thoughts for the council members .
5 Just over a decade later , as the papal curia prepared for the Vatican Council , Cardinal Ottaviani proposed a profession of faith for the Council fathers which would repeat the anti-modernist oath ( no remarkable thing in itself : the anti-modernist oath was required to be taken by all those teaching in seminaries , and all priests before ordination ) and once again to repudiate the errors that had been condemned by Humani Generis .
6 about erm information about the upcoming candidates for the council elections .
7 The Audit Commission 's response to Government proposals for the council tax focuses mainly on administrative implications .
8 However , the timetable for the council tax is tight and will only be achievable if lessons are learnt from the introduction of the community charge .
9 To make matters worse , the value of homes has dropped dramatically since they were fixed for the council tax more than a year ago .
10 Up to one in seven people complaining about the valuation of their home for the council tax think their property is undervalued , early evidence shows .
11 A relatively new function has been the valuation banding of flats and houses for the council tax .
12 I pay tribute to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Social Security for providing a generous new benefit system for the council tax , from which there will be no clawback of the uprated benefit .
13 Obviously , if the calculation is made on the basis of averages , Labour 's proposed tax will appear to be less than the community charge this year , or the projections for the council tax .
14 Hundreds of thousands of pounds were spent on computers and software , only for them to be replaced by new software for the council tax .
15 One bill will be issued for the council tax , and supposedly there will be no register .
16 The hon. Gentleman was wrong to say that we had failed to consult on our proposals for the council tax .
17 The student living in lodgings is invisible in terms of qualifying for the council tax and does not add one jot to the amount that the widow or anyone else would have to pay .
18 We have taken note of those concerns in formulating the arrangements for the council tax .
19 contribution rule for the council tax , that there is no ground in principle for maintaining it .
20 They abandoned the principle for the council tax , so no argument in principle remains .
21 The Data Protection Registrar is quoted as warning local councils that they could break the law if they maintain a register of all adults for the council tax .
22 The Inland Revenue is valuing thousands of homes to prepare for the council tax … due to replace the controversial poll tax in 1993 .
23 If the exact figures are not available in time for the Council meeting , a full breakdown will be included in the Spring 1993 Council report .
24 Erm , I think , you know , when it says , at the end , towards the end of paragraph eleven , talking about the environmental management scheme for local government , could be utilised as tools to help improve the management framework for the councils precedents and initiatives in environmental matters .
25 Three Birmingham children 's homes are to close as the council attempts to bolster its foster service .
26 What I 've done these interviews knowing about your subject , I do n't have to agree my council 's policy , but I and I understand how people feel upset about X , so that 's trying to get the message across , you know people are upset , you can understand they 're upset , but you 're not actually compromising yourself or , because you 're being interviewed as the council spokesman , you 're not compromising the position of the council .
27 Earlier , a former police consatble , Patrick Stennett , told of stopping Hagans and searching him on a footbridge between the council office and a staff car park , half an hour before Mrs McGurk died .
28 Another refinement and contrast between the council tax and Labour 's rates policy is the control , or lack of it , that Labour would exercise over excessive spending levels .
29 The relationship between the council tax and people 's ability to pay it was always shaky , and the imposition of a national band on London will make it even weaker .
30 THERE is a sense of deja vu about the council tax .
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