Example sentences of "[prep] [prep] [art] moment " in BNC.

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1 Can , can we leave that word alone for for a moment cos I think it 's a bit of red herring er , to some degree .
2 I mean perhaps Colin you 'd talk about for a moment .
3 ‘ Not to be thought of for a moment .
4 Your influence over another dog who is being a bit of a pain in the collar , will bring you popularity , which you fell in need of at the moment .
5 Claire Rayner and Jeni Barnett are the only two I can think of at the moment .
6 Well , that 's all I can think of at the moment .
7 The the other advantages I can think of at the moment for erm getting company to say yes it the obvious connections to company .
8 I 've actually got thirty one copies of at the moment .
9 She slammed the door and leaned back against for a moment .
10 Well every year erm we 're like at the moment a couple of light years away from it
11 Can we have a diatribe in verse from Neil Kinnock against the Tory press , the short-sighted public , or anyone or anything else he might be against at the moment .
12 We asked you for a diatribe in verse from Neil Kinnock against the Tory press , the short-sighted public , or anyone or anything else he might be against at the moment .
13 And the reasons I 'll come onto in a moment .
14 Now the other side of that was a plea which came from our switchboard supervisor , which I 'll come onto in a moment , where she said people will often think that of her telephonist , but in actual fact , it 's because they have n't got the right information from people at this end , so there is another side to that story .
15 We have another in erm on Thompson 's Directory , we said we were asked if we would like a mention there , and that has been put in hand , with at the moment the Chairman 's name and address and telephone number , but when we get our office I 've no doubt we can change that because we 'll have a rota for the office and probably just morning hours and that can go in another copy .
16 When we 've got the left and right hand side of the document which Joan 's well on with at the moment , we can pencil in very lightly the jobs
17 Still , one day at a time seems to be about all I am capable of dealing with at the moment , so I wo n't make too many big plans … !
18 It would be like kicking her when she 's down — and I think she has enough to contend with at the moment . ’
19 They were just dropped out of a union , it just happens the one we 're quite friendly with at the moment .
20 How many cases do you as one barrister have to deal with at the moment ?
21 But I mean , one of the things that we 've got on with at the moment is that we 've been saying for ages , you 've got to get your you 've got to get us involved at design stage .
22 She had made her own , to love him again , and it was all she could live with at the moment .
23 so I 'm toying , that 's what I 'm toying with at the moment , is this erm wax jacket
24 And one of the , again I 'm harping on to this particular project we 're involved with at the moment , one of the objectives that we 're involved with at the moment is to look at who gets what in terms of financial gain , right the way from the people who live in the forest , if there are people who actually live in the forest , to the people who live around the forest , to the industries , to the governments to the importers and exporters and the rest .
25 And one of the , again I 'm harping on to this particular project we 're involved with at the moment , one of the objectives that we 're involved with at the moment is to look at who gets what in terms of financial gain , right the way from the people who live in the forest , if there are people who actually live in the forest , to the people who live around the forest , to the industries , to the governments to the importers and exporters and the rest .
26 Novelty records are what I 'm really into at the moment .
27 I think that is a , there is a need to look into this , it is an area where we have n't looked into at the moment , and when you consider the valuable work that our staff in the D S O organisation does , and the profit it makes for this county council , and the savings it makes for the county council , it would be sensible for us to also look into building maintenance as well .
28 That 's a complicated story I ca n't really go into at the moment , but was very much to do with the Royal Policies of the 1630s .
29 So we shall use this at our great banquet which I 'll tell you about in a moment when we go round , which is our next event .
30 So the distance makes something look rather fainter , and similarly if you have something like a particular kind of start that you can identify by some property — which we 'll perhaps talk about in a moment — if you can identify it and you know how bright it is , then the fainter ones are further away and you can estimate the distance by how faint they are .
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