Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] gave [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Sir Charles Groves conducted the English Sinfonia and the programme included cellist Robert Cohen and soloists Benjamin Luxon and Linda Fennie , all of whom gave their services free of charge .
2 The two of them leapt out of the beached cockboat and strode up past the fishwives , some of whom gave him a " good day " but most of whom preserved a surly silence .
3 During the Exodus it was left behind , and became an equally revered treasure of the Pharaohs , one of whom gave it as part of his daughter 's dowry when she married a Celtic prince .
4 One of them gave me a basket she had made and when I lifted the lid there was a card with her name in Greek and English , and the words ‘ For You ’ … .
5 None of them gave him more than four .
6 She put her hands against their huge hard heads , and the warm power of them gave her confidence a strange boost .
7 Coloureds and Indians have tended to support the National Party — one estimate is that 60% of them gave it their backing in mid-1992 — because they saw it as a bulwark against black domination .
8 It 's just like , no two girls got expelled from my last school for drugs but I think they actually one of them gave it to the other one but they were both expelled .
9 And he had half of I gave him that banana desert .
10 She was heard to pause before going into the bathroom , the latch of which gave its distinctive click .
11 The Home Secretary was acting under clause 13(4) of the Licence and Agreement between him and the BBC and section 29(3) of the Broadcasting Act 1981 both of which gave him power to give the broadcasting authorities notice in writing requiring them to refrain from broadcasting any specified matter or classes of matter .
12 The book of which gave him most satisfaction was William Neil 's One Volume Bible Commentary .
13 Take the case of She gave him a piece of her mind .
14 Though the lack of one gave her little comfort as she glanced at her arms and noticed the fresh red flea-bites of the night .
15 Her first sight of it gave her a severe shock .
16 Blood was dripping from her right hand , The sight of it gave her a funny cold feeling inside , and the thought flashed through her mind : ‘ Shall I be able to paint again ? ’
17 It was serious , set in purpose , and the sight of it gave her an agreeable feeling of submission to higher powers .
18 And the certainty of it gave her the strength to smile .
19 The familiarity of it gave her the urge to work .
20 ‘ And none of it gave you the right to lie to me .
21 The two men who had stood behind him gave their names quickly , eagerly , anxious to avoid association .
22 My conversations with her gave me no inkling to that effect , and , although she was ambitious , I do not think she felt that her time had come .
23 This in itself gave them also the advantage of a better fighting morale than the Republicans , whose desperate defensive efforts were unable to stop the implacable advance of their adversaries .
24 She was smaller than Jenna with none of Jenna 's slender , willowy height , but she was so healthy-looking that the fact in itself gave her an added attraction .
25 He was on his bike six kids jumped him and said give us your bike they , they took his bike off him gave him a hammering right on the nose , broke his nose .
26 Moods , bad moods and going to I gave my husband a terrible time !
27 It had only a very small , hardly noticeable brass plate outside which gave nothing away .
28 The strength of its hold on her gave her goose-bumps .
29 But the pretence of searching for it gave her a moment to think .
30 I wish there was still something to look at which gave me the same feeling .
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