Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] i hope " in BNC.

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1 For them I hope the experience reinforces their movement away from fanaticism and fundamentalism .
2 And in return , I promise you that if I get from you the reply for which I hope , I will be about your business presently .
3 It 's been adopted by a large number of Authorities , of which is gon na be one of them I hope .
4 I happen to be embarking on a motoring trip during the course of which I hope to see many splendid views .
5 My records indicate that I am now holding on to two , one of which I hope to use in the Annual Report .
6 I offer the Minister the NFU 's five-point agenda , of which I hope he has taken note .
7 Erm so federalism is a fairly important principle in American government and that principle , essentially , is , and most of you I hope will have done the first year course politics and policy making where I talked about federalism in general terms that federalism is based upon the notions that in the same territory you can have more than one government and that those governments er are of equal status .
8 There is sufficient money in balances to pay our share of that , if we need to do so , and I think making scare stories about it does n't do anything towards what I hope we all want , which is an efficient , effective police force in this county , protecting us erm from crime , and helping to prevent as much crime as possible .
9 Such is the burden of what I hope to argue in the next chapters .
10 I am indeed minded to seek a vote on Third Reading at the end of what I hope will be a relatively brief debate .
11 Alright , well then er , with that expression , of what I hope to be confidence , , in erm , the management of our affairs over this last year , erm , let me put the resolution at , as on the paper before you , I wo n't read it again .
12 you , no they 're not putting their coats on , they 've gone to the toilet , Richard can go to the toilet by himself actually ca n't he ? he 's a clever boy is n't he ? can you get your coat for me ? , you get your coat now , I 'll put it on for you I hope you have n't broken that , have you ? , pick it up , carefully give it to me look
13 I mean if if I 'd done that this morning and I 'd written it all up before you came in and then said well what we 've done is this and then we did that and then we did that but as as it was generated as we discussed then then you were with me I hope at the way it went
14 I 've been giving some thought to the content of the next magazine with which I hope you can help .
15 After a short conversation with him I hope to be in receipt of a kettle in the near future .
16 I think we 're beginning to stray into what I hope will be a fruitful discussion on Tuesday morning .
17 I shall try to show that our political practices accept integrity as a distinct virtue , and I begin with what I hope will strike you as a puzzle .
18 ‘ There is one key area in which I hope to have some success over the next year and that is in bringing the clubs and the union closer together ’ .
19 I am setting up a 36″ × 12″ × 18″ tank , in which I hope to keep Clown Fish , a Yellow Tang , a Regal Tang , a Hawk Fish , a Fire Goby and a Cleaner Shrimp .
20 erm I think that the way in which I hope the City and County will move forward is step by step .
21 I have enclosed our new recruitment leaflet together with the latest issue of our magazine RURAL WALES from which I hope you will gain an insight into our new campaigning image !
22 In what I hope was a rare lapse into intolerance , I asked the reporter next to me : ‘ Does that little sod always talk like that ? ’
23 Have you er polished your brass today got it all ready to talk to me I hope you have .
24 If however I had to single out one particular group of teachers to whom I hope the book will appeal , it is those who have been in the profession for about five to ten years .
25 Well I think the only difference is I say to her I hope you 're still cos she said to me you can come , I said I 'm coming straight round yours christmas day , I 'm not coming home waiting for you to come back , you do n't come till half past ten !
26 I am now on the way to what I hope will be a speedy and full recovery and look forward to being amongst you all again soon .
27 To the end of his political days he remained unreconciled to what I hope and believe every public person should become reconciled to : the unimportance of most opinions expressed by most people .
28 ‘ Actually I 'm keeping the Australian connection in reserve for what I hope will be a final , knock-out blow , ’ Ross added , before snapping shut the locks on his suitcase and lifting it off the bed .
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