Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] watched " in BNC.

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1 Three days later commuters inching along a motorway during the rush-hour watched as police chased and killed a Mexican man brandishing a garden trowel .
2 Six per cent per year of the males watched on Rhum suffered permanent injury .
3 The rest of the squadron watched and heard Woolley cursing , kicking clods down on Callaghan , shooting into the water .
4 At this even the boldest goat fled to the nearest hut for fear of reprisal , and from the cover of the walls watched the frustrated officer screaming at sentries , Poles , hut and bicycle in turn .
5 That evening , while the rest of the family watched Dixon of Dock Green , I gathered together the total ensemble and placed it upon my person .
6 From 1984 to 1986 the people of the territories watched uneasily as the mainstream PLO tried to recover its position by uniting with Jordan in an initiative intended to rescue the territories from occupation .
7 The other occupants of the cafe watched him go .
8 And for a moment watched
9 Dot in the conservatory watched as Loopy Lil slowly tried to pick up the unsteady tray of china .
10 Children in the congregation watched the diamonds slowly grow squarer , less elongated , as the sun moved down the sky .
11 The man in the dock watched him in silence as he sat down heavily in his chair .
12 Even as Rachel flitted before us down passageways and galleries , I could feel other presences , as if ghosts hiding in the shadows watched her pass then trailed behind us , looking for some weakness they could exploit .
13 The billposter attempting to paste the second of his ‘ Cooper and Co 's Teas ’ posters on the hoarding watched the paper slowly curl back from the wall and drop on to the ground .
14 Friends on the ground watched in horror as he was towed along for 20 seconds before managing to pull an emergency handle to free himself from the snagged chute .
15 The girls at the depot watched the development of this incongruous relationship with incredulity .
16 Less than a hundred miles away , in the small darkened room , the man at the screen watched the jet descend .
17 The people around the table watched the papers in the basket smoulder and begin to smoke .
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