Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] either [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When the Templars used this church , the priests would vest for mass either in the manor or here in the sanctuary . ’
2 These conditions are often the subject of international agreements between countries and copies of the conditions which apply to your holiday journey may be available for inspection either at our offices or at the office of the carrier concerned .
3 Further , no married woman could make a will without her husband 's consent , nor ( with trifling exceptions ) make any contract , except as agent either for her husband or for some other person : it would have been absurd to let her contract when she had no free property out of which she could pay .
4 Will the Minister assure the House that empty houses will be handed over to local councils or housing associations for rent either to redundant service men or to others ?
5 It is very difficult to muster a cogent argument against the landlord 's request for guarantors either on the grant of a lease or on an assignment of the lease where a corporate tenant or corporate assignee has either recently been established or is a concern of limited substance .
6 The purchaser should also ensure that the vendor is under an obligation to provide all necessary assistance and co-operation in obtaining the consents after completion either by relying on the general further assurance clause or by incorporating a dedicated further assurance clause such as that in clause 8.4 of the standard sale agreement ( see Appendix III ) .
7 If there has been an investment failure , people may be eligible for compensation either from the investment company or from the compensation scheme , depending on the precise circumstances of the individual case .
8 The Dennis Bellamy/Revis Barber Halls are licensed for the sale of liquor either to residents or guests or , during permitted hours , to those taking table meals .
9 ‘ The internal dissension in the three parties , ’ wrote Beatrice Webb in her diary , ‘ each party finding its bitterest enemies among its own members or ci-devant members , would be ludicrous if it were not a sinister symptom of the decadent disrupture of British public opinion , owing to lack of faith either in the present order or in any consistent and comprehensive principles of reconstruction . '
10 New works have to revive the perceptibility of literature either by defamiliarizing over-familiar techniques ( as in the case of parody ) or else by foregrounding a previously non-functional device .
11 In particular , if you have disposed of liability either by virtue of a split trial or on a Summons for judgment , there is a powerful argument in favour of your having your costs to that date .
12 Perhaps non-clinical legionellosis follows exposure to small numbers of bacteria alone , the clinical form occurring as a result of exposure either to a large dose of bacteria or to legionellae packaged in amoebae .
13 Our courts have refused to consider the validity of an Act of Parliament either on the ground that Parliament had no power to pass it or on the ground that the statute had been improperly passed .
14 In the vast majority of cases , soil conservation measures were seen by land-users to be a symptom of oppression either by a colonial regime or by small interlocking urban elites .
15 In prison it leaks out in anger and displays of violence either between the prisoners or against the staff .
16 Women suffer a dual burden of work inside and outside the home and the strains experienced by working mothers have not been eased by offers of help either from male partners or the wider community and the state .
17 In every case the explanation of the normative effect of the exercise of authority leads back , sometimes through very circuitous routes , to the imposition of duties either by the authority itself or by some other persons .
18 I think it is clear that , despite the obscure wording of section 8(2) of the Act of 1986 , Winchester and firms in its position are not , and were not , members of Lautro either by reason of actual membership or by reason of the statutory definition .
19 Do n't deal with deviations first cos they 'll never learn but build in lots of applications either by questions or by actual exercise .
20 The lobby of the hotel was virtually deserted , nearly everyone of consequence either at the track for the race , or having their siesta .
21 Individuals may at various points in their lives experience discrimination in the allocation of resources either on the ground of being too old or too young .
22 Unfortunately , the level of interest is not backed up by the right level of knowledge either from prospective users or from many of the suppliers .
23 Secondly , the Rules were flawed in so far as they did not seem to anticipate the possibility of problems created by the piecemeal acquisition of bonds either by occasional buying out or by gift .
24 There are no randomised studies of the efficacy of surgical ablation of endometriosis either at laparotomy or at laparoscopy on future fertility .
25 Three practices had employed an extra member of staff either during the first year or at the beginning of the second to work specifically on fundholding duties or to release the practice manager to do this .
26 We can read this assimilation of characters either as an irony beyond the Miller 's ken , confirming the limits of his churl 's intellect , or as a droll piece of self-examination and reflection on the character 's part : the Miller might , as he says in his prologue , be a cuckold as John is .
27 The tyrosine residues in the intracellular domain are the target of phosphorylation either by the receptor itself or by other cellular kinases .
28 There was little discussion of policy either within the majority or with community representatives .
29 I want to just scotch the myth that has been put forward by Councillor about the poll tax cos did this at P and R and I will reiterate what the leader said then and I and and quite clearly and soundly , that the Labour Party , both nationally and locally , and this Labour Group do not condone a policy of non-payment either as a principle or as a tactic .
30 So we move to those in favour of amendment M moved by Councillor please show poll tax cos did this at P and R and I will reiterate what the leader said then and I and and quite clearly and soundly , that the Labour Party , both nationally and locally , and this Labour Group do not condone a policy of non-payment either as a principle or as a tactic .
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