Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] upon a " in BNC.

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1 For reliance upon a voluntary undertaking to observe wage-restraint implies a recognition of the movement 's right to resume the full exercise of its powers .
2 These included the cancellation of Recordership sittings on the South Eastern Circuit , correspondence from the School of Law at the University of Warwick upon a research proposal into procedures for challenging confession evidence and reviews of the annual report to the Supreme Court Procedure Committee 1990/91 and the report of the Legal Aid Board to the Lord Chancellor relating to legal aid aspects of multi-party actions .
3 It would be an interminable occupation were it not for the fact that what one learns about the landscape of one town often throws a flash of light upon a topographical puzzle in another .
4 Under such leases , the builder/developer would be responsible for erecting a building or a number of buildings upon a particular site , and detailed provision might be made for the manner of their construction and continuing maintenance , even down to the type of subsequent letting of the buildings which was to be permitted .
5 Numerous studies have attempted to estimate the effects of membership upon a country joining the EC .
6 More direct efforts to measure the effects of selection upon a population were undertaken by the biometrical school of Darwinism .
7 In my view this case provides a dramatic vindication of the decision to consult Hansard ; had your Lordships not agreed to do so the result would have been to place a very heavy burden of taxation upon a large number of persons which Parliament never intended to impose .
8 The hard struggles to realize democracy , against the entrenched interests of birth and wealth ; the deprecation of democracy as the rule of " the mob " or " the rabble " ; the conviction that the poor , or working men , have no competence in politics ; the uneasy coexistence of political equality with social and economic inequality ; the linking of the struggle for democracy with the struggle for freedom of speech and equality before the law ; the dependence of democracy upon a communal sense of identity — all these are found in the Greek experience , and all recur in the modern evolution of democracy and the debate it generated .
9 Basing the structure of authority upon a governor , a council for day-to-day affairs , and an assembly to pass legislation , vote taxes , and express the trend of public feeling was an arrangement that would seem natural to anyone who knew about the English system of King , Privy Council , and parliament .
10 ‘ I stopped occasionally to photograph a design branded upon a distant hillside made up of countless squat semi-circular walls protecting a meagre crop ; or limp onion plants resemblant of hieroglyphs upon a furrowed wall ; or a track which seemed to lead to only more emptiness ’
11 Jacquemin and Sapir use share analysis to study the effect of integration upon a country 's trade over time .
12 Mrs Thatcher appeared to see herself as the embodiment of revenge upon a whole generation of social engineers .
13 He followed the traditional approach of considering separately the imposition of burdens upon a third party from the conferring of benefits , and stressed in his commentary the requirement of good faith prior to becoming a party to a treaty .
14 His grizzled hair was cropped tight , a pad of wire upon a rock-like skull , and implanted in his brow were two shiny steel studs .
15 The infliction of pain upon a horse affects it in a very profound way .
16 I believe that those sexual practices which fail to recognise the essential humanity of other people are bad ; the man who rapes an unwilling partner , the individual who takes delight in the infliction of pain upon a partner who does not desire it , or the one who forces another into any sexual practice which is obnoxious to him or her is using the " partner " as an object rather than interacting with him or her as a human being .
17 Arrows provide a second linear means of expressing movement , and therefore the passage of time upon a canvas .
18 The pirates jumped on it like cats upon a mouse .
19 A ‘ notice to warn ’ might well be served for example upon a car manufacturer if it appears that a certain model had a dangerous design fault .
20 Stevenson knew this when he spoke of the ‘ subarctic sunsets , with the profile of the city stamped in indigo upon a sky of luminous green ’ .
21 In contrast to Descartes 's emphasis on a self-constituting autonomy born of certitude , Augustine 's formulation registered man 's uncertainty , and that inseparably from dependency upon a prior ordering of selfhood .
22 She tried , bitterly , to resist this fatal colouring ; she tried to reduce the trip to words upon a notice board ; but the mind had gone its own way , and she could not force it back into its grey and natal landscape .
23 As darkness begins to fall , the adventurers are ‘ lucky ’ enough to chance upon a path that leads upwards towards a rock-strewn side-valley .
24 The talks ended without agreement upon a joint statement , with each side adhering to its previously outlined position .
25 If it be a duty imposed by law upon a party regularly subpoenaed to attend from time to time to give his evidence then a promise to give him any remuneration for loss of time incurred in such attendance is a promise without consideration .
26 Its emergence as the pre-eminent international language was not something forced by France upon a reluctant continent .
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