Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] 's sake " in BNC.

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1 He 'll have to agree for Mum 's sake . ’
2 But Eileen replied reasonably , ‘ None of us was keen on her , Anne , but we hid it for Mum 's sake and Grandma never realised it .
3 I must be brave for Perdita 's sake , said Daisy through chattering teeth as she pressed the door bell .
4 The move was really just a change for change 's sake — I was simply bored to tears by it all .
5 When you examine the range , you 'll see that we have n't made changes for change 's sake .
6 ‘ If you ask me , it 's just change for change 's sake .
7 We should be careful to avoid introducing change for change 's sake and should carefully evaluate potential disadvantages as well as advantages .
8 ‘ Change for change 's sake ’ is not our policy and as un-paid voluntary workers — going more or less flat out — we have little or no time to spare for non-essentials !
9 She went straight in and said to them , " For shit 's sake , ca n't you help us take the things up the stairs ? "
10 ‘ The family will all get together , trying hard for Sophie 's sake , ’ he says .
11 That I did n't tell Richard , was partly for Sophie 's sake — to say she had become interested in politics would have been stretching his credulity too far — but also for my own .
12 Her picture of God ( which came from experiences in the past ) was so distorted that without realizing it she was believing a grotesque caricature of God which for sanity 's sake she was forced at the same time to doubt .
13 Since NZ is so good for walking , I recommend bringing a pair of boots ; we can then do the occasional walk for variety 's sake .
14 ‘ I tolerated her while Ma was alive to keep the peace for Ma 's sake , except for the past few months , but no more .
15 Though , for Luce 's sake , I hope it wo n't . ’
16 But , for Colin 's sake , he would have to put it to her .
17 I do , because its not for vainty 's sake , I do feel at times going upstairs or
18 He knew instinctively that this was no casual conversation and that for Cora-Beth 's sake he must be honest .
19 Learning was a greater pleasure for my children than sterile play for play 's sake . ’
20 Once a week , Aunt Margaret defied the banging , popping , gangrenous , gas-flaring monster of the bathroom geyser all for Victoria 's sake , to give her a bath in three inches of snot-green , brackish , warmish water , which took ten minutes to trickle from the geyser 's brutish snout into the tub .
21 John Harwood is irreverent about his work and impatient with the awe that surrounds traditional techniques : ‘ I 'm not into technique for technique 's sake .
22 She had hoped for Pascoe 's sake that the MacQuillan affair would fade from his mind , but perhaps his memory was already concealing from him the truth about the killing .
23 Modern art is motivated by the idea of art for creativity 's sake , energising an intrinsic life force and asserting independence of both artist and observer .
24 ‘ So we have to hand over the reins of Chester 's to a man whose only interest is money for money 's sake ? ’ she persisted in a low , intense voice , ‘ when anyone can see all the company needs is a re-think of direction , a bit of diversification … ’
25 The experiments are not particularly relevant to anything , they 're just experiments for experiment 's sake , one experiment illustrating a particular bit of theory ; it does n't do anything particularly useful , you just look at an oscilloscope and take some readings and hence you can demonstrate this bit of theory .
26 The political ambitions of the CLB can be deduced from its interpretation of the Edwardian crisis : ‘ At so critical a period in British history as the present , when there is so great and unfortunate a tendency to slackness , ease , and carelessness as to religion , morals , and work , when there is so great a craving for pleasure 's sake , when so serious a social problem as the great army of the unfit and unemployed has become a national scandal and a public danger ’ , it was necessary to provide men of the future with ‘ that spirit of self-denial , self-control and definiteness of righteous purpose ’ which had put Britain in the lead among nations .
27 For Jeff 's sake I 'll agree to help you . ’
28 For Jeff 's sake ? ’
29 ‘ Yes , for Jeff 's sake .
30 ‘ I insist — for Hanne 's sake . ’
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