Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] that makes " in BNC.

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1 A company has set up recently in Crossaig , Strathclyde for instance that makes use of the ISDN system to distribute abstracts from medical journals to its customers .
2 ‘ Is there anything about Toby that makes you uneasy ? ’
3 that it may entail a level of expertise that makes lay scrutiny difficult ;
4 They are likely to run from the sort of fight that makes good corporate governance stick .
5 And it is doubtless the strategic codification of these points of resistance that makes a revolution possible , somewhat similar to the way in which the state relies on the institutional integration of power relationships .
6 The whole variety of experience that makes up our worship life .
7 At least in the post-Gazza era in which we now find ourselves , several soldiers have admitted to a level of fear that makes them cry their eyes out .
8 different type of horse that makes it different for shodding
9 The performance , too , often lacks the sort of tension that makes for a live musical experience .
10 Beyond , the bizarre formations of the Quiraing , a strange assembly of spires and needles of rock that makes the beholder doubt the evidence of his eyes .
11 In an age where many people specialize in their work lives , it is the rounded , all-embracing nature of archaeology that makes it such a fascinating and popular pursuit .
12 If you can , try to do some form of exercise that makes you breathe hard for about ten minutes each day .
13 This feeling is only likely to be reinforced by the realisation that the underlying technology used by most players — the set of chips that makes them tick — comes from a very limited number of sources .
14 At a future review conference — such conferences will occur every few years in the Community — it might be desirable to go even further and press for a clause in the Community body of law that makes it crystal clear that all powers that are not specifically allocated to the Community should remain as of right with the member states , as is the case in the American constitution .
15 Clayton & Dubilier 's latest deal is a buy-out of a chunk of IBM that makes typewriters and other lowish-tech bits and pieces .
16 It is this same difference of angles that makes the current stunt kite so stable and controllable , though Don used the Conyne planform .
17 But — and it 's this sort of complication that makes him I think such a remarkable man — although that did happen then , for the next ten , twelve years , he was entirely preoccupied , almost entirely preoccupied with something else , and this something else erm originates from the other revolution that he underwent at this time , a revolution that occurred after a visit to an international mathematical congress in Paris , where he met the Italian mathematician Peano .
18 So what 's the property of magnetite that makes it interesting ?
19 ‘ It is a command of idioms that makes the difference .
20 It 's the promise of guns that makes them co-operate with Midwinter .
21 There is a circularity in these arguments about the consequences of literacy that makes it difficult to test them out or to apply them fruitfully elsewhere .
22 So far as the attitude to his obstruction is concerned , the essence is that it must be shown that the defendant has deliberately brought about the state of affairs that makes it more difficult for the police to do their duties , and is aware that he has done so .
23 She has the sort of smile that makes you think that any minute now she 's going to put her head on one side , but she never does .
24 The second type of explanation suggests that these people have some sort of defect that makes them less able to cope with environmental chemicals .
25 A combination of features that makes it possible to use our products one-handed .
26 The 24-valve straight six M50 unit is a simply gorgeous thing to see , with throttle response sharp enough to draw blood , urge aplenty for safe fourth-gear overtaking , a cultured yet appealingly guttural engine note and the kind of smoothness that makes you question the worth of even a good V12 .
27 And if I said to you those three elements of communication that makes up the hundred percent of it yes ?
28 In addition to the two avant-garde poles represented for him by Schoenberg and Stravinsky , he has a minor category consisting of music that makes use of materials ‘ which fell by the wayside … waste products and blind spots … all that which did not fit properly into the laws of historical movement ’ ; the ‘ anachronistic quality ’ of this material ‘ is not wholly obsolete since it has outwitted the historical dynamic ’ .
29 Certainly , in this book , we shall need to include participants ' beliefs about most of the above parameters , including the place of the current utterance within the sequence of utterances that makes up the discourse .
30 Far more than cold and darkness it is the lack of butterflies that makes winter dreary and interminable .
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