Example sentences of "[art] chances [am/are] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If you have one of the thousands of barley twist-legged tables produced from the Edwardian period onwards , the chances are that it will be coated with a dark , almost black varnish .
2 It remains to be seen how the XM stacks up against traditional executive fare , but the chances are that it will be too exotic for the British palate .
3 And the chances are that by the time the market picks up again in 1991 we will be back to the 1983 figure .
4 The chances are that the punters only know an error has been made if the drummer decides to smirk at the guitarist , or the guitarist turns away from the audience to have a good laugh at the keyboard player .
5 The chances are that during the first eight or nine years you may appear to be treading water in the process of proving yourself .
6 If you look through a family history and hit upon an advantageous marriage , the chances are that you will find a new house or a completely restored one at around the same date .
7 But the chances are that the momentum of this week 's success will carry his Christian Democrats to victory in West Germany 's election in December and then in all of Germany next year .
8 If a Toshiba computer breaks down in America , the chances are that it will be mended by a Vietnamese engineer in California .
9 If a Chancellor has decided that certain conduct in one case is against conscience , he is likely to decide that similar conduct is against conscience in another : the chances are that another Chancellor will decide the same .
10 As you are reading this , the chances are that you , too , have tried diets , failed ( at least in the long term ) , and then restarted .
11 If you find a new diet in a magazine , or you decide to lose weight , the chances are that you pick your day for starting but make no special preparation plans .
12 The chances are that your holiday food was somewhat higher in salt than the diet to which you have become accustomed so you might be retaining 2–3 lb ( 1 kg ) of excess water .
13 The chances are that if you are told a nasty tale about the sexual misdemeanours of a headmaster , a vicar , a scout leader , a member of Parliament , a public performer or a novelist then you will assume it to be the truth .
14 The chances are that we will be able to shoe the horse without any further tranquillisers .
15 So , if the horse rears or puts its tongue over the bit , the chances are that it has been hurt in the mouth by a rider with bad hands .
16 For the chances are that one will be shrouded in a cool mist , while the other bakes in blazing sunshine .
17 So the chances are that Clinton will be chosen to face Bush on November 3 .
18 The chances are that you have n't and that 's where The Photographer 's Studio Manual comes in .
19 The chances are that this shyness would have naturally prevented him from attaining such a high profile … but Morrissey slipped through the net and the consequences could be devastating .
20 It is n't even known where on Krakatoa the eruption was centred , but the chances are that it was Perboewetan , since the lava flows in the crater looked extremely fresh when they were examined in the nineteenth century .
21 If you are unable to find a relatively easy way to measure the adverse behaviour then the chances are that you will be unable to decide what to do about it .
22 If you are experiencing difficulty in any of the key areas of life listed below , the chances are that you are not experiencing whole health .
23 If your husband retires on a Friday , it is unrealistic to think that your great new life together will take off with a flourish the following Monday ; but the good news is that if you can think in terms of allowing yourselves time to renegotiate the way you live together , the chances are that you will both have adjusted to the new situation within about two years .
24 The chances are that Britain will have to find a new place to dump waste by the end of the decade .
25 Phone your travel agent to book a night there and the chances are that your request will be met with an equally incredulous silence , before receiving the inevitable , ‘ Where ? ’
26 WHEN engineers working for the Tokyo gas company , get a telephone call in the middle of the night , the chances are that a computer will be at the other end .
27 Dr Jean Coope , in Menopause , advises : ‘ You may not think the stranger is the perfect son or daughter-in-law , but the chances are that your children know who will suit them better than you do , and the sooner you accept this fact , the happier your family will be . ’
28 It is not always possible to say precisely which kind of eyes these are pretending to be , but the chances are that in most cases they are mimicking the forward-facing eyes of birds of prey .
29 The problem is that the pool of liquid usually forms underneath the car , where it is both inconspicuous and difficult to get at , so the chances are that it will not be mopped up .
30 Then they leave them there , in among her own kittens , and when she returns the chances are that she will calmly lie down and let all the kittens feed from her without examining them in detail .
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