Example sentences of "[art] bits of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I think one of the reason why you have n't heard it mentioned specifically is because it is integral to a lot of the bits of work that we 're doing .
2 Just to site some of the bits of work that I was talking about , erm , the Trustee Training Working Party , for example , er , in , ha has got on it , a representative from the black voluntary sector .
3 Miss Ellis flinched and glanced in the rear view mirror but continued to talk in her calm , professional voice while Gilly picked at the bits of gum stuck in her straggly hair and on her cheeks and chin .
4 Scrape the bits of putty out and put some filler in that will accept stain .
5 They asked him how he did it , and he replied , ‘ I just put away the bits of wood that do n't look like elephants ’ .
6 It took quite a long time to climb up to his preferred perch on the monster , even using the bits of wood and string he 'd painstakingly tied to it … him .
7 She drank it thirstily , holding back the bits of herb and onion with a teaspoon .
8 He trudged on down a wide muddy road , past the weird triangular shapes of sod-built huts , glimpsing through the smoky windows the red light of a fire , and outside the pools of yellowish water with the bits of sky that had fallen into them , and bog trunks lying half rotten .
9 Hoover the bits of hair .
10 Piers was nowhere to be seen , and without his presence in the kitchen she thought carefully about what she was going to do with the bits of chicken and the assortment of vegetables .
11 ‘ Where 've you jokers been ? ’ asked one of them , as he stared at the bits of tree hanging off us .
12 There 's a load of pigeons round his feet , all fighting over the bits of bread he chucks them .
13 Slipstreaming away , waiting for the bits of gristle from the sandwiches .
14 She collapsed onto a stool and laid her head down among the bits of cotton wool and the sticks of greasepaint .
15 No weapon , no footprints , no fingerprints , all the bits of fibre caught on bushes came from the deceased 's clothes . ’
16 There are billions of ways of throwing together the bits of Mont Blanc , it might be said , and only one of them is Mont Blanc .
17 I would imagine the bits of Oscar were removed after his death , rather than being the cause .
18 And then recited the bits of gossip he 'd picked up .
19 She looks at the bits of paper on the floor , but she do n't say nothing .
20 As she passed the back door she noticed that the lid had fallen off the dustbin and the fresh spring wind was playing havoc with the bits of paper and odds and ends that lay strewn on the tiled path .
21 Clutching the bits of paper .
22 Each time you say the sound ‘ p ’ , you should make such a little explosion of breath that the bits of paper fly off .
23 He glanced at all the bits of paper hanging higgledy-piggledy on the furniture and walls .
24 And you 're supposed to know all about the bits of paper that they issue .
25 it 's five to it says on the bits of paper
26 I want to give you I 'm going to give each of you , yeah if you just wan na just clear up some of the bits of paper then that 's alright .
27 But it does n't seem to be worthwhile to chuck out all the bits of paper we 've got and replace them all just to get the colour right .
28 Having said that , in some of the bits of Shoreditch I passed through I stuck out like a sore thumb .
29 Her hands fell idle in her lap and she stared around her at the bits of leather on the floor , at the row of wooden lasts along her bench , at the boots that needed new soles and heels and , with a sigh of despair , she dropped her knife and rose to her feet .
30 Lit by a single , battery powered lamp hung from the exposed rafters , even with the bits of carpet and drapes hung down the walls the place was a prison cell , and felt like it .
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