Example sentences of "[art] interests of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Ever dodging the issues of principle , the Conservatives proffer only cautious protestations that they will defend the interests of women part-time workers .
2 Morgan 's Sisterhood is Powerful , for example , recognizes the need to transform feminism so that it addresses the interests of women outside its predominantly white , middle-class constituency , and includes contributions from women outside it .
3 At the same time , those attentive to issues of national and international development raised the question of whether the strategy for participation of women in the media should concentrate on getting women into mainstream media or creating ‘ alternative ’ media institutions to serve the interests of women and meet the communication needs unserved by male-controlled media .
4 I accept the need to counter the myth that only a biological mother can adequately care for a child , but to say that in the interests of women 's liberation we will pay anyone except the child 's mother to look after it seems to be going a little far in the opposite direction !
5 At the root of these problems of selecting dwelling designs and planning goals that optimise the interests of women is the truism that housing generates housework .
6 Above all , the cause was identified with the interests of women .
7 That in view of the foregoing considerations we ask you to ask the Masters " Association to delay any decision hurtful to the interests of women compositors until the women 's case has been given full consideration .
8 What attempts are being made to ensure that the interests of women , minorities and the disabled are served ?
9 AMES began to win recognition as an organization , fighting for the interests of women from the exploited classes .
10 In 1964 they revised their articles of association and became registered but the main aim remains that of representing the interests of women artists .
11 It carries forward the interests of women without imposing an undue burden on employers .
12 Consideration shall be given to the interests of women and disabled persons …
13 It was known that a change was taking place and Perhaps it was felt the more because of the very success of the Concert ; humanitarian impulses and liberal assumptions had disguised the fact , axiomatic to professional diplomats , that the interests of states often conflicted .
14 The union came into existence to serve the interests of musicians .
15 ( This is a variant of Regan 's argument that the interests of farmers should not figure in the debate over vegetarianism since they are ‘ risk takers ’ . )
16 As we shall see in the following chapter , this does not necessarily mean that the interests of farmers and landowners are no longer dominant in rural society , but it does mean that this dominance has increasingly to be carried out by reaching an accommodation with these new conditions .
17 Does my hon. Friend accept that the good farmers of Hexham are grateful for his sincere effort to look after the interests of farmers in the less-favoured areas ?
18 Labour 's planning controls and proposals for access would be directly contrary to the interests of farmers in the United Kingdom .
19 ‘ Now they seem to be taking the same supine approach to the milk and potato marketing boards , where the Government is in the process of selling out the interests of farmers .
20 ‘ It makes me believe that the NFU leadership is unwilling to do anything to really fight for the interests of farmers if it embarrasses the Tory Government .
21 Or control might be exercised in the interests of defendants , seeking to ensure that if they are to be proceeded against abroad information reaches them with the speed and security which the use of official channels is supposed ( probably quite unrealistically ) to guarantee .
22 I have heard strong arguments from hon. Members on both sides of the House for continuing with the Bill , in the interests of Londoners and in the national interest .
23 After the meeting , the North Americans acknowledged that : ‘ We recognise more clearly what our nation , along with other western powers , has done through its communication resources to dominate other cultures and … serve the interests of transnationals rather than those of people . ’
24 We export not only form and content but western economics-based theories of media regulation that serve the interests of transnationals rather than those of peoples .
25 Insofar as English law requires the directors to take into account the interests of groups other than the shareholders it adopts the position that these interests do not fundamentally conflict with those of the shareholders and that it is therefore possible to arrive at a decision that balances all the relevant interests , subsuming them under or subordinating them to the vaguely defined collective goal of the organization .
26 The tendency of legal doctrine to permit and even require the directors of a company to weigh the interests of groups other than those of the shareholders is closely allied with the claims that a revolution is occurring in the goals which corporate enterprise sets itself and that corporate managers are assuming for their companies ' social responsibilities .
27 Of course , a rule permitting the directors to defend the company from a poorly-managed predator would be perfectly coherent ( and might be desirable ) , but this would not be because the entity has an intrinsic significance that merits protection , but rather because the rule would serve the rational purpose of protecting the interests of groups other than the shareholders who would be adversely affected by a change in control .
28 Second , the form of the state allows the interests of groups and classes other than the dominant class to find expression within it .
29 As such , the interests of owners and controllers are largely similar .
30 We also learnt that one can integrate the interests of motorists by using bypasses to take through traffic away , and go in for traffic-calming measures which work .
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