Example sentences of "[art] short time [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The short time limit under Ord. 53 is designed to deal with just such cases .
2 After a short time Blackberry announced , " We 've asked Hazel to tell you about our adventures : how we made our journey here and had the good luck to join you . "
3 Benches were wiped , floors were swept , and within a short time Ling 's kitchen had been restored to the pristine condition in which they had found it .
4 It has a modern bistro feel , and in a short time catering manager Debbie Ferrie and her staff have impressed with their food .
5 At the end of the First World War it was confidently and almost universally assumed that after a short time money would be back to its pre-war value and market prices ( including market rents ) to their pre-war levels .
6 All members of staff have standard conditions of service as set out here , with the exception of temporary staff or staff who are er on a short time contract or maternity leave cover who may have a short term er notice er erm for erm a period of notice .
7 Does it have a short time span or does it last over a period of time ?
8 Within a short time father and daughter were experimenting with photography .
9 Some measurements were made using older plants over a short time period , just three hours .
10 If Libya did not comply within a short time period , the USA , Britain and France would seek UN endorsement for sanctions .
11 ‘ I have to play with pain-killing injections and I 'm not able to train except for a short time doing set-pieces on a Friday . ’
12 But in December 1985 United States ’ officials indicated that they could accept a United Nations ' agreement if it led to a ‘ comprehensive and just settlement ’ , involving a short time frame for Soviet withdrawal and self-determination .
13 External reliability can be measured by comparing the test scores obtained by one tester working with the same group of children on two separate occasions separated by a short time interval .
14 At high stepping rates each phase is excited for only a short time interval and the build.up time of the phase current is a significant proportion of the excitation interval .
15 For a short time entry was considered into the Communist International which the Left in the ILP saw as a continuation of the Second International of which the ILP had been an affiliate .
16 In addition , for a short time bus route 64 was extended from West Croydon to the Robin Hood and to Elmers End Garage , but there proved not to be a demand for this service and it was soon cut back again .
17 This suggests that there may be a mismatch between the rationale for protecting respondents by a short time limit and the criteria used to decide whether or not Ord. 53 must be used by the applicant .
18 In this situation , it is very difficult to maintain high standards , as such work usually has to be done within a short time limit , and often with very little space .
19 We to put the decorations up in th in a s in a short time limit , the decorations take quite a long time to put up and as you know the decorations are erm are very famous er they 're nationally recognized .
20 In a case where defects are unlikely to be immediately apparent , a short time limit is unlikely to be reasonable .
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