Example sentences of "[art] best i [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 We 'll see , ’ is the best I 'll give her .
2 These are frail reasons , but the best I can find , for canto 107 to begin with a flourish of Sicilian place-names :
3 The best I can do as a manager is a combination of threatening , cajoling and being nice to everyone who can help to give my act the best possible shot .
4 My owners really wanted a Deerhound — this is the best I can do S J Hale , Cheshunt , Herts
5 A whole new generation of music sprouted up , the best I can remember .
6 ‘ But I do the best I can . ’
7 A note from Bartram in 1745 seems to imply a slight difference of opinion as his account of some American pines had been questioned : ‘ But as I have great opinion of Miller 's learning and judgement , I am engaged in duty and friendship to inform him the best I can . ’
8 The best I can say is that Boy looked something like , or had something like the feel of , Paul Newman when he 's playing the character christened Chance Wayne in that Tennessee Williams film .
9 I will do the best I can , naturally .
10 ‘ I hope I can go out and avoid accidents and do the best I can . ’
11 As for my own disappointment , I will keep playing the best I can and hope things change . ’
12 The best I can offer you is a head start , get out of here and do n't ever come back . ’
13 The requirement implied in this formulation , that I am always morally obliged to do the best I can , is accepted as reasonable by some commentators , while it is thought of as unreasonably demanding by others .
14 The best I can do is a heads of agreement outlining Harley 's deal .
15 Some people do n't do anything — some people 's places really are n't clean … well , this one is n't very , but I keep it the best I can .
16 This is the best I can manage . "
17 ‘ Doing the best I can , I take the view here that although the delay was certainly not unjustified , as far as the effect is concerned it comes to this : I take the view , on the balance of probabilities , that the delay in these particular circumstances may well be prejudicial to the [ respondent ] in his defence .
18 But , doing the best I can , I have reached the conclusion that the delay , on a balance of probabilities , might be prejudicial .
19 ‘ Doing the best I can , I take the view here that although the delay was certainly not unjustified , as far as the effect is concerned it comes to this : I take the view , on the balance of probabilities , that the delay in these particular circumstances , may well be prejudicial to the defendant in his defence .
20 But , doing the best I can , I have reached the conclusion that the delay , on a balance of probabilities , might be prejudicial .
21 The best I can manage is to say that the thriller is intended to thrill ; it is a succession of exciting events , whereas the suspense novel is designed to create suspense , a series of situations of which the outcome is in doubt .
22 You know , I 'm bringing up the child the best I can , she has plenty of love I love her very much !
23 I might fool the fans , but the best I can hope for this season must be second from bottom and the third preliminary round of the FA Cup .
24 If it 's daylight , the best I can do is follow you , stay close .
25 PAMELA : Well , I 'll do the best I can .
26 I do n't claim any great originality or depth , but it is the best I can do at the moment .
27 I 'll do the best I can for him .
28 The best I can
29 I try to keep out of trouble the best I can .
30 The best I can hope for is to be dragged home and given stuff to make me manageable .
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