Example sentences of "[art] life of others " in BNC.

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1 This has been a constant theme of Intifada policy : that we wish to build ( Palestine ) , not to destroy ( Israel ) ; that we wish to achieve freedom ( for our people ) , not to deprive others ( Israelis ) of it ; that we wish to protect and save lives ( ours ) , not to endanger the lives of others ( Israelis ) .
2 For example , in addition to the road-traffic offences , there are offences under sections 32 and 33 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861 of endangering railway passengers ; there are the offences under section 1(2) of the Criminal Damage Act 1971 of endangering the lives of others by causing damage to property ( usually by fire ) ; the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 penalizes employers for failure to ensure that employees are not exposed to risks to their health or safety ; and there are offences , such as that under section 12 of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 , of selling goods in contravention of safety regulations .
3 But to be sorry for him would be a mistake : he lived his life to the full , and in all his deeds he enriched the lives of others .
4 This Society was founded in 1774 , and gives awards to people who have saved the lives of others from drowning .
5 They have a system similar to the Royal Humane Society , and make awards of gold , silver and bronze medals to people who have saved the lives of others from fire .
6 Think of situations where death , which we should usually see as outrageous and abnormal , is welcomed , as in the dying of extreme sufferers or those whose continued existence is a threat to the lives of others .
7 Some elderly persons are very inward-looking and completely uninterested in the lives of others , even those of their close family .
8 But moral considerations are involved in situations when rats , fleas and snakes are destroyed , and robbers and murderers are killed , in order to protect the lives of others .
9 I 'm enjoying the challenge and regard it as a privilege to share in the lives of others .
10 This I had seen happen in the lives of others , resulting in the despairing situation of looking on hopelessly at all the work and tender loving care lavished on a place being relentlessly returned to rampaging nature , and unable to muster the physical strength and mental resolve to do anything about it .
11 It is easy to be critical of prejudice in the lives of others , particularly when it is as small minded as that of Phyllis .
12 That is a sure way to develop an adult with a strongly manipulative personality , which can arouse devastatingly negative reactions in the lives of others when the child comes of age .
13 As a Christian , as you observe the lives of others , perhaps you are in a situation of stability .
14 Iris Murdoch 's novel A Fairly Honourable Defeat ( 1970 ) poses the far more terrible hypothesis of a being utterly without compassion who takes delight in wrecking the lives of others : his self-sufficient malignity seemingly motiveless until the last pages of the book , when a tattooed number is noticed on his arm , and a casual remark — ‘ I spent the war in Belsen ’ — forces the reader to think back through his destructive conduct as ‘ an instrument of justice ’ in destroying a happy marriage and endangering a harmonious relationship between two men .
15 Secondly , the lives of others may be dragged through the media if they have been associated with a notorious rapist .
16 Thus if my main concern is to have a vast stock of personal possessions and control over the lives of others , I can doubtless only have them at the expense of others .
17 Since childhood , since her early school days , New Year 's Eve had possessed for her a mournful terror : she had elected it to represent the Nothingness which was her own life , the solid , cheerful festival which had seemed to be the lives of others .
18 ‘ Because I am about to put my life , and the lives of others , in your hands .
19 Tough love requires that the family member " lets go " of the primary sufferer and seeks help for himself or herself from the appropriate Family Fellowship , concentrating primarily on his or her own recovery from the addictive urge to fix or control the lives of others .
20 In our concern to manage the lives of others and our intention to do this in the best interests of all , we can too often simply define those who cry out in despair as moaners , as ‘ deviants ’ , ‘ defectives ’ , or as the lazy ones who have n't played the game in the way they should .
21 The lives of others , I believe , are not mere management problems , their despairs are not simply amenable to technical solutions which ‘ repair the system as it is ’ ; they are cries for radical solutions , solutions which go to the root of the problem : the structures of society which gnaw away at their lives , their self-worth .
22 Although this is their main role , like other members of the security forces , they are permitted to shoot — but only when they feel their lives , or the lives of others , are in danger .
23 They provide the writers with a language by which they can recognise and communicate their sense of an ineffable being with the dynamic power to transform their lives , and the purpose of their writing is to release that dynamic in the lives of others .
24 Passing sentence Recorder Mary-Jane Mowatt said Cameron and Ralphs had put the lives of others at risk .
25 Passing sentence Recorder Mary-Jane Mowatt said Cameron and Ralphs had put the lives of others at risk .
26 Colour Sgt Oram 's Queen 's Gallantry Medal was awarded after he placed himself in the firing line time and time again saving the lives of others .
27 Colour Sgt Oram 's Queen 's Gallantry Medal , was awarded after he placed himself in the firing line time and time again saving the lives of others .
28 An enthusiast who enhanced the lives of others
29 In a glowing vision of The ascent of man ( 1894 ) , Drummond acknowledged the Darwinian struggle for life , but he also referred to a struggle for the life of others .
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