Example sentences of "[art] possibility that their " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , Braveman and Jarvis ( 1978 ) , having argued that their results imply separate mechanisms for the two phenomena , go on to acknowledge the possibility that their results might simply reflect the use of a test procedure that was less sensitive as a measure of conditioning than as a measure of neophobia .
2 Seton had hardly spoken to any since his son 's death ; Gray was never loquacious ; and Ramsay not only again felt something like guilt at deserting Berwick in its hour of need , but did not relish having to tell the Randolph sisters the terrible news and the possibility that their brother might be one of the casualties .
3 It raises the possibility that their master clock can continue to keep track of the passage of time even when all bodily functions are drastically reduced .
4 I telephoned Downing Street in quest of the Prime Minister , but was told that he was in Rome awaiting a call from me since he was anxiously concerned about the consultants and the possibility that their action might indeed have fatal consequences for some patients .
5 Heavy , masonry fire resisting walls should be free from the possibility that their stability may be affected by the behaviour of other structural members .
6 The degree of competition in a market is an imprecise concept , as it depends on those factors which force firms to take account of the possibility that their business will be lost to rivals if they do not satisfy their customers .
7 The three judges dismissed five of the six grounds of their appeal , quashing the verdicts only on the possibility that their hands could have been " innocently " contaminated with nitroglycerine , perhaps by drying their hands on a contaminated towel in Anne Maguire 's bathroom ( although no towel was tested ) .
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