Example sentences of "[art] opportunity [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 It must be ten years since I went to the optician and I keep promising myself I will go when the opportunity presents itself , because I love to read .
2 We are all in agreement that we will return to Lourdes when the opportunity presents itself , and are very grateful to the parishioners of St Bernadette 's Parish , who donated money to pay for us to go .
3 I 'll tell her when the opportunity presents itself .
4 Individual desertions are bound to take place , and perhaps in considerable numbers , on the rare occasion where the opportunity presents itself .
5 A true soldier always eats , drinks , sleeps and takes a wench whenever the opportunity presents itself . ’
6 They do not like by-elections , for in them a candidate of their own party may , win or lose , find the opportunity to display himself so advantageously as to become in the next general election a fearsome competitor .
7 Although some lesbians exploited the opportunity to distance themselves from dirty , dangerous male sexuality , a vastly disproportionate number devoted themselves to AIDS work .
8 In time , however , learners and trained staff welcome the opportunity to see themselves as others see them , and endeavour to improve their skills .
9 The tournament though , in giving some of our hopefuls the opportunity to assess themselves against quality foreign opposition , delivers some harsh truths .
10 The MPIs too could benefit from closer contacts with universities : older members who have passed their first flush of creativity would have the opportunity to refresh themselves by teaching , at the same time attracting new young people .
11 Mr Thomas added : ‘ This year we have the opportunity to examine ourselves , our communities and our attitudes .
12 He had been pressing for the opportunity to abandon himself , free of dogma , and here it was .
13 Accordingly , Angel One had drawn on his ninjutsu training when preparing himself for the arena , with the purpose of springing a nasty surprise on his twin enemies — the Executioner and the Controller — should the opportunity present itself before he was himself killed .
14 Sometimes electric shock treatment his been given to quell the uproar and the ensuing calm gives the adult the opportunity to reassert itself and the tormented soul can have a few days of peace .
15 The Socialist Party first secretary Laurent Fabius requested on Dec. 17 that he should have the opportunity to clear himself , by facing trial before a parliamentary high court , over the HIV-infected blood scandal [ see pp. 38544 ; 38978 ; 39161 ; R106 ] .
16 Elaborate wood and iron work , overhanging eaves , portes cochères , and all sorts of architectural ornamentation all conveyed a sense of the romance of travel , identified the station as landmark , and offered the various companies the opportunity to distinguish themselves by particular ‘ house ’ characteristics .
17 For the man without interest , the opportunity to distinguish himself in action , and thus by securing mentions in despatches to attract the attention of the Admiralty , was a harder road to advancement .
18 That many of the communities in question have historically been denied the opportunity to help themselves because of dependency relationships with other more dominant areas or with dominant groups in society or with the state , must also be recognised .
19 As his army approached close to the walls of Toulouse itself the townspeople seized the opportunity to emancipate themselves from comital authority .
20 I should happily give way — if it were in my power to do so — to give them the opportunity to dissociate themselves from that appalling motion .
21 The research evidence also suggests that the pupil of average socio-economic status tends to higher achievement in ‘ uncreamed schools ’ , that is schools where high ability pupils are not sent to selective schools , and where the school has had the opportunity to establish itself .
22 ‘ I like to think that I have a lot to offer as well and I do n't want to have to wait years before I get the opportunity to prove myself .
23 No academic libraries since the time of the Travelling Workshops Experiment have successfully applied the strategy and it is most unlikely that illuminative evaluation ‘ in toto ’ will ever get the opportunity to prove itself in academic user education , largely because of the lack of time to pursue it in full .
24 Adam lost his spiritual purity through eating the forbidden fruit , so God gave him the opportunity to reinstate himself partially through immersion in the original water which came from Eden .
25 The opportunity to retrieve herself by usefulness came to Nicandra almost immediately — Lalage was back with them , downcast , apologetic .
26 to give children the opportunity to express themselves through a variety of approaches including descriptive , imaginative and creative poetry and prose .
27 When the opportunity presented itself some Arab states , for example Egypt ( which formally repudiated its treaty in 1976 ) and Iraq ( 1952–3 ) , discarded or downgraded the Soviet Union in their foreign relations and cultivated the United States .
28 He comforted himself with the fleeting thought that at least he had met Sir James Selkirk , who had found Alexander III 's corpse , and wryly concluded he would question him if the opportunity presented itself .
29 Charles Frederick was the odd one out in this respect — his feet were far too itchy to allow him to settle down into any sort of domesticity , and he would prove the fact in a dramatic enough way by sailing off around the world as soon as the opportunity presented itself .
30 In 1341 , the opportunity presented itself to intervene in Brittany , where a succession dispute developed when Duke John III died without leaving a direct heir .
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