Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] by giving " in BNC.

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1 Mr Clarke and Mr Hunt told MPs the decision to break the law by dispensing with a 90-day consultation period was taken because of ‘ special circumstances ’ and in order to help the miners by giving them the best redundancy terms .
2 If Labour had accepted PR , and the possibility of an agreement with the Liberal Democrats to introduce it , then it could have ensured defeat for the Conservatives by giving the Lib Dems a clear run in as few as 20 seats .
3 In Third World countries where the disease occurs , day-today exposure to leprosy would confuse the trials by giving many people natural immunity .
4 He paid compensation to the monks by giving them ten years ' revenue from an archiepiscopal estate worth £30 a year .
5 They protect the managers by giving them some overall security of employment and a remuneration package , usually including a pension , a car and other benefits .
6 History has played a cruel joke on the Somalis by giving them a culture of internal clan divisions in a world of centralised government and bureaucracy .
7 The 1984 Act sought to make the system more independent of the police by giving the Police Complaints Authority more involvement in the running of ‘ major ’ investigations involving death , serious injury , assault , conspiracy and matters of public concern ( including the policing of public disorder ) .
8 President , Congress , the introduction in the C E C statement is a laudable one and part of it states , and I quote , the G M B and others have asserted that reform means democratizing and strengthening the links by giving direct votes to individual union members .
9 All four will be both IR and Raman active ; the two a 1 modes are in principle distinguishable from the others by giving rise to polarized Raman bands in solution or in the gas phase .
10 Finally , reward those who have read the papers by giving them the most opportunities to talk about the material and to express their views .
11 The autocratic leader tended to give orders , and to interrupt the activities of the boys by giving commands to do something .
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