Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] works [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The algorithm works by progressively updating a label D[u] assigned to each vertex u until D[u] becomes equal to the shortest path length from s to u .
2 Its just difficult to explain how the defence works as a team , and one weak link can badly affect the rests confidence .
3 The writer works at the impossible task of creating a poem , a narrative , which tries to narrow the gap between the signal and what is signalled : tries to reverse the separation between the world and what we write about the world .
4 The technique works by passing a network of taut wires , connected to the frame , through the bone itself .
5 The technique works by passing a network of taut wires , connected to the frame , through the bone itself .
6 Why do you think the tinplate works at Ebbw Vale exists in this isolated position ?
7 The drug works for up to 85 per cent of patients
8 In works of literature the exposure works on two levels , first in the very act of creation , by which the hypocrite is seen and known to the audience or reader .
9 The university works in partnership with bodies including the Workers ' Educational Association , councils and independent adult education centres .
10 The Chaplain to the University works within the University in pursuing and promoting Christian ministry in all its facets .
11 IN RECENT WEEKS , prize specimens of the human race have succeed in stealing a Hawker Tempest II cowling from the Autokraft works at Brookland 's , Weybridge .
12 The user works on a screen simulating an A4 page split into panels .
13 The baker works in the back , you see , so he does n't show a light until he opens at six .
14 Well a , a mill owner , the owner of the skin works in Galashiels , a Mr .
15 But the " theatricality " of the play works beneath the purely formal level : Lord Claverton has always acted a role and it is only at the end of his life that he allows his true human self to emerge , although
16 Clearly the course works for some , not others .
17 When water is in short supply , the trunk works with a forefoot to dig a hole in a dried-out river bed until moisture is found .
18 The important points which emerge from this case are that the employer will be able to rely on this part of the duty of fidelity if it can be shown that the employee works for a trade competitor in his spare time and : ( a ) knows of business secrets which may be of use to the competitor and/or ( b ) occupies a position which makes it expedient to recognise the existence of his duty to work for the employer alone .
19 It 's funny how the mind works at a time like this I could n't hear anything so I called : ‘ Warton , Golf Zulu Sierra .
20 The mind works on the body in strange ways ; an intense experience , a powerful dream .
21 It became known as the Astral Works in 1887 , and was used for the generation of electricity .
22 Since the musician works with notes , why should we not accept that colour by its intrinsic force is capable of expressing a painter 's thought ? ’
23 The parser works in bottom-up , breadth-first manner and uses a chart for efficiency .
24 In 1864 , the L & NWR Board decided to centralise the Carriage Works at Wolverton .
25 The locomotive works at Crewe now provided engines for the Northern Division and , in 1 8 65 , some of the Wolverton Shops were vacated , the Carriage Works at Saltley abandoned , and the whole of the plant removed to Wolverton .
26 The therapy works on the system that energy is present throughout the body : there are places where it gathers or is near the surface of the skin .
27 The therapy works on the principle that like cures like .
28 The therapy works by increasing the healing and life energy within the body , bringing about better health .
29 While planning the gig , the agent works with the promoter and looks at the event 's costs .
30 THE TRIAL of technicians who let the chemical works at Seveso in northern Italy run out of control seven years ago , scattering 300 grams of dioxin across the district , opened on Monday in Monza , Italy .
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