Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] lot [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ditto the job lot of Edwardiana on the walls , the only genuine article a letter from Betjeman to a friend burbling characteristically about high Anglican synods and club bores .
2 Nails took his usual Ford Escort that night from the parking lot outside the gasworks where the night shift was working , the one he had a key for , and he and Gary went for a drive round the back streets where they would n't meet a patrol car , out into the country for ten miles or so and back again .
3 At the fork halfway up the hill you must keep by the cemetery side to find the Poly , which comes into view as you reach the parking lot at the top of the hill .
4 U2 's rehearsals for their US stadium tour drew thousands of fans to the parking lot of Hershey Stadium , Pennsylvania .
5 loaf in the parking lot above the cliff
6 After an hour or so the Carpettes still linger in the parking lot as the coach doors slam shut .
7 We would spend the afternoon re-enacting in the parking lot behind the apartment what we had seen in the morning on the screen .
8 Watching Bowe at work in a giant tent in the back lot of the Mirage Hotel , pawing at sparring partners with less conviction than the white tigers in the hotel lobby paw at the glass separating them from gamblers , is to share the doubts .
9 So of course inevitably what happened is we got the house lot in just , took it to this place in Leeds , got finished with that load and back for four which is what the estimate had covered us for , and then we had to start all over again with what was in the garage .
10 A PAPER fan inherited among a job lot on her marriage led Mrs Lynn Lamport on a trail of historical intrigue unearthing tales of three-in-a-bed and of a Lady whose gambling losses brought her down to the level of street sweeper .
11 ‘ After The White Lion won they gave me £6,000 and told me to get them another , so I sold them three shares in Rambo 's Hall — who I 'd bought cheaply in a job lot as a yearling — for £1,500 each .
12 They recently managed to shift a job lot of document shredders ( for DM60 a throw ) to a West Berlin firm .
13 Even kitchen utensils are being sold along with a job lot of washing machines , dryers and ironing machines for £200 .
14 These books , suitably adorned with glossy illustrations of exotic customs and part naked ladies , discourse at large upon a variety of supposedly universal characteristics of human culture which are then exemplified by thumbnail sketches of ethnographic miscellanea derived at third or fourth hand from a job lot of long ago anthropological monographs .
15 Perhaps the NSS paper had been acquired in a job lot from Chernobyl .
16 The supermarket , the fast-food joint , the parking lot have all been projects of the practice : but a Macdonalds which floats , a parking lot with 20 cars deeply buried under asphalt , and its most celebrated work , the series of catalogue stores for the Best company where boxes are smashed into and eroded , with trees growing through them , façades peel or tilt , distorting the relationships between the predictable elements of the landscape .
17 I had just been reading in the Daily Minute about the string of beatings and manslaughters in Rosalind Court : the night before last a Jap computer expert and a German dentist had been found in a parking lot with their faces stomped off .
18 I think he realizes that er there 's a heap lot of trouble out there
19 But there was a lot lot of damage done to the shops right down the length of Road .
20 And it was a lot lot of fun you see , to get in there I hope will never hear this , to get in there and squeeze her .
21 but thing is there 's a lot lot of like Lee 's friends and that and they say well I could n't work in a shoe shop and I would n't work in a , and I say why ?
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