Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] above " in BNC.

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1 Despite his efforts to tear into his food with Latin gusto , or the slicked-down hair above the urban American face , he simply ca n't appear to be a native of a provincial Italian town . ‘
2 She looked up into the gilt-edged mirror above the basin and cursed silently .
3 The evening was cloudless and warm and after pitching the tent and cooking something called " Hunter 's Goulash " ( a freeze-dried meal that I 'd brought home from a trip along the Appalachian Trail — it tasted like fried sofa stuffing doused with monosodium glutamate ) , I walked up the narrow lane above the youth hostel to watch the sun going down behind Pikedaw Hill tingeing the sky a dusky orange — a wonderful sight .
4 Members of the Battalion were converging on the broad slope above the empty resort .
5 Having sunk , it would then be insulated from the Sun 's warming rays by the liquid water above it .
6 Dreams of Comfort and Anthony and David mixed with memories of the war and became tangled up with the figures on the painted ceiling above her bed and the work she had been doing for Kesselring 's trial .
7 It is assumed that the temperature coefficient of expansion of the free volume is greater than that of the occupied volume above Tg ( Figure 3.10 ) ( from Ferry ( 1980 ) ) .
8 And something else ; something he saw as the curtain tore away and he looked into the depths of the unbelievable face above him , fractionally dulled his reflexes .
9 Along with hope in a future not bound by the rough blankets rubbing at her chin , the cobwebbed ceiling above her head , the tiny window , the table in the corner , the hard wooden chair , the threadbare rug , the wax-choked candlestick , the bucket , the crucifix , the chain trailing from the bed-post to her wrist beneath the covers .
10 Douglas scrambled his men and they were airborne within minutes , roaring up into the cloud-flecked sky above the waters of the Forth .
11 Between them they supplied all they could remember of the encounter by the roped-off enclosure above the river .
12 Opening the glazed hatch above her head to allow the cool night air into the small cabin , Polly threw off her tracksuit , pulled on a clean thigh-length baggy T-shirt , and slid into her sleeping-bag .
13 The coiled wire above the fences that surrounded the A area where the plutonium was worked , and the B area where the chemical explosives were fashioned , and the contaminated areas , and the waste storage areas , all separated by their own grey wire barricades .
14 Only the rich stay above corruption in Liberia .
15 The pity of it all , she mused sadly and lay back on the rug and blinked up at the darkening sky above her .
16 The damp mark above her seemed to take shape .
17 Benjamin looked up at the white-washed wall above the door .
18 If α f is the expansion coefficient of the free volume above T g , then the temperature dependence of f τ can be written Substitution of equation ( 12.17 ) in equation ( 12.16 ) gives Rearranging and dividing by α f
19 Comprising similar terrain to the previous category , but confined to the high ground above 300 to 350 metres this land includes the summits , ridge crests , plateaux , cols and upper slopes of mountains in Harris and on South Uist .
20 Rye Church , standing high on its hill , makes a landmark across the marshes ; the high ground above the town walls is called the Citadel ; if you live outside the walls your address is Rye Foreign .
21 Above the terrace along the front of the new building , overlooking the lake and , far beyond that , the high ground above the River Trent , was a Latin inscription proclaiming ( I was told ) that ‘ These plausences foster study ’ .
22 The falcon still wheels in silence high in the cooling air above the statue of Sir John Moore , the spotlights flick on around the camp perimeter and once again a security patrol prepares to leave the gate .
23 There was another error , much later , at the 12th where he was very lucky to see his tee shot somehow stay on the steep bank above Rae 's Creek .
24 Up went Solly , up the steep rock above which a proliferation of good holds give a misleading impression as to what is yet to come .
25 Both species are now included in the genus Laetacara , meaning Happy Acara , referring to the light band above the mouth in both .
26 The slightest movement above trench level drew rifle fire .
27 In the village there are numerous activities on offer ; horseriding , swimming either indoors or in the resort 's attractive open-air pool , crazy-golf , bowling , tennis and squash , and even summer skiing on the nearby glacier above Hintertux .
28 Essentially this is big-hall playing , and those who prize the French repertoire above all for its intimacy and charm may feel short-changed .
29 She stared at the book-filled wall above the desk , then turned back , seeing how he was looking past her at the same spot .
30 ‘ Do n't you start , ’ she warned , glancing up at the old clock above the shelves .
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