Example sentences of "[adj] friend in the " in BNC.

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1 The announcement was first made by my right hon. Friend in the House of Lords during consideration of the emergency provisions Bill — as it then was — I am speaking from memory , but I believe that it was last May .
2 It was a wise old friend in the College of Agriculture who said to me once , ‘ I never go out into the field without discovering that I have more to learn than to teach ’ .
3 ‘ For Farr , ’ said Lustgarten , ‘ as he laughed and joked with his old friend in the front room of their Wimbledon home , was already planning exactly where his carving knife would skirt the edge of the poisoned breast meat , digging deeper and deeper away from the tainted flesh , so that neither he nor Templeton would suffer .
4 He had snapped his old friend in the garden of the 88-year-old thespian 's country home , South Pavilion , in Oxfordshire , several years ago .
5 The country is without a real friend in the world , even China .
6 Following the tumultuous events of 1955 — a revolution in Iraq , an attempted anti-Hashemite coup in Jordan and a short-lived civil war in Lebanon — the United States began to view Israel as its most stable friend in the region and a strategic asset against Soviet expansionism .
7 The Korean people have a loyal , disinterested and great friend in the Soviet Union .
8 In fact I have made one very important friend in the past week or so and it 's ironic that your last letter is responsible for this friendship !
9 In December 1757 he tried to excuse himself ‘ as my abode is at such distance from the place where the Royal Society hold their weekly meetings as to render it not only inconvenient , but unsafe for me to attend them in the winter season. , A month later Ellis countered with , ‘ I scarce think it possible that Mr. Miller should have no one friend in the Society to send him word and , indeed , I had told Rivington to tell Miller I would be glad to discuss the matter at Fulham , and Miller ignored it . ’
10 I had an Indian friend in the bad year , a lawyer from Udaipur who kept up my spirits when the partners were after me .
11 ‘ Anwar is my oldest friend in the world , ’ he said sadly when we told him everything .
12 It was one of the joys of life , and particularly she loved dancing tonight with Tony Radcliffe , because he was her oldest friend in the world and this was the first time she had seen him for eighteen months .
13 He probably remained Lewis 's best friend in the English Faculty during the early years at Magdalen .
14 Richie ( 29 ) , host of BBC 's home video series Caught In The Act , is playing rockabilly rebel Kenickie ( John Travolta 's best friend in the film ) .
15 His best friend in the army was Tubby , a boring , plump , practical character who from his previous experience knew he could trust .
16 My closest friend in the fifth form , Mandy , failed most of her O levels , and has left now to start work .
17 His work was encouragingly received , but about that time his emotional life was thrown into turmoil because his closest friend in the company began an affair with another member of their circle .
18 My closest friend in the university was Professor B.R. Pearn , first Registrar and then Professor of History .
19 She would need somewhere to stay for at least a night , and her closest friend in the town was herself an academic .
20 Science 's new friend in the White House
21 Eventually , the passenger felt confident enough of his new friend in the driving seat to tell him jokes about the regime , culminating in obscene calumnies of Elena Ceauşescu .
22 For one who was nervous with aristocrats , it was unusual that he made a special friend in the diocese of the hereditary lay leader of the Anglo-Catholics in England : the Earl of Halifax at Garrowby , whom he would have preferred to Churchill as a war leader .
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