Example sentences of "[adj] force [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The experience of the sixties and seventies suggested that the trade unions were a political force to be reckoned with .
2 With just one MP , Labour is hardly a political force to be reckoned with .
3 Editor 's footnote : Most authorities would consider High Force to be completely suicidal and not ‘ a perfectly viable proposition ’ .
4 Leavis does not question or problematize the existence of the materials of the literary tradition , and the moral force to be associated with the study of English resides , not in the " personalities " of great authors , but in the capacity of an intellectual and professional elite to " respond " , that is , to recreate in themselves that evaluative response to cultural change seen as inscribed within the literary tradition .
5 Any minor political candidate with the charisma and political skill to win support from mainstream black Democrats like Hartford 's Mayor Perry is a symbolic force to be reckoned with .
6 Er we said last week that the on the only , the only real way that the peasants were gon na er mobilize was if they , they thought that they could actually win and so surely the violence would have been a means of saying we 're a credible force to be reckoned with
7 It 's a powerful force to be reckoned with , and one that ensures a true deep-down clean all around your home .
8 Erm reasonable force to be used in the circumstances that dictated it .
9 In May 1940 with the threat of invasion a call went out for volunteers for a new force to be known as the Local Defence Volunteers or for short L.D.V. This was later to be called the Home Guard and " Dad 's Army " .
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