Example sentences of "[adj] woman [verb] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 The old woman seemed not to hear the children , yet on leaving The Courts to pass through another narrow alleyway , she bitterly emitted one word : ‘ Scum ! ’
2 It seemed miraculous to Kit that the old woman did not die ; that she could haul herself back to life by miracles of her own devising , or by the medicine Ariel applied .
3 This old woman do n't hear the first time , and when I say it again , she just says yes and walks away .
4 I bet he thinks , silly old woman do n't you ?
5 This woman does n't know anything , like !
6 This woman has n't a bean , so she 's going to pose for my wife and her girlfriends once a month or so , and she 'll get the classes thrown in free .
7 ‘ I hear there 's been another woman killed not far from where Angy lived .
8 The gaunt woman did not return the merry smile he offered in greeting .
9 The gaunt woman did not reply .
10 It was no wonder she 'd looked as if she 'd aged , she thought guiltily , and no wonder she 'd looked miserable ; the poor woman did n't have too much to look happy about .
11 An elderly woman does not want to take the risk , hastily glances at the sharp blades of the door , retreats back to behind the faded white line and waits for the next train .
12 The Ace woman did n't even seem a very pleasant person .
13 he goes we really put the wind up that woman did n't we , ooh , ooh , ooh and they
14 That woman did not know about such birthmarks .
15 More violent crimes than that performed by the jealous woman did not occur among the Chewong while I was with them , nor could anyone tell me of others in the past .
16 The older woman had n't bothered to hide her dismay at what she had seen as the loss of her precious older son .
17 Merlyn stepped aside with a supercilious look which the older woman pretended not to see .
18 Noreen did n't know whether the older woman did n't want to continue , or did n't know how to .
19 The first woman did n't report her ordeal and immediately left the area .
20 In one recent group one woman had not been in a lift for twenty years .
21 An alien woman does not , as formerly , assume British citizenship automatically on marriage to a British citizen .
22 Faye began to struggle to sit up , but Belinda forestalled her , relieved that the other woman had n't commented on the tired bags beneath her eyes that even make-up could n't fully conceal .
23 Robbie wished the other woman did n't exist .
24 As I had to go to Beskett this young woman had not long been married and she always used to ask me to call at her house in Palfrey , cos I used to go on a bike not in a van , on a carrier bike , she used to ask me to call at her house in Palfrey to see if there were any mail from her husband and he was , there sometimes was sometimes there was n't nothing you know that he 'd written and er one day I 'd got back and er she was all in tears and er he , he had been killed in France and I was glad I did n't have to be the harbinger of the times you know she still lives in Palfrey now Mrs yeah .
25 She stumbled over the words , muttered and blushed , her duplicity and stupidity so abundantly clear to her that she was surprised that the charming young woman did not immediately leap to her feet , denounce her as an impostor and throw her out onto the street again .
26 He heard them alongside recordings of Di speaking at a conference and said that although there were similarities , the voice patterns of the unidentified woman did NOT match Di 's .
27 If the wretched woman had n't taken herself off to war work in a factory canteen for three times the money , or so she had said .
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