Example sentences of "[adj] come [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 These come in many styles but are basically of two types — those where the blades pass each other in a scissor action , and those where a single sharp blade presses down on a block or ‘ anvil ’ .
2 These come from many sources — school groups , horticulture clubs , students etc. and cover many topics .
3 Such all-embracing inventions as the transistor , X-rays and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy all come into this category .
4 It 's very important you 're taught that , er such feelings as respect , love , emotions all come into this and a woman has a right to say no , if she does n't
5 Achieving a maths mark in double figures ( all tests are marked out of 50 ) was about as likely as Iceland winning the Eurovision song contest or Michael Jackson growing up to be normal ( or growing up at all come to that ! ) .
6 Although a lot of the world 's natural re resource like all come from this port .
7 As guilty failures we all come beneath that ‘ curse ’ imposed on lawbreakers .
8 He had first come to this house in a blaze of romantic ardour and passion .
9 broken down since the paper article , had n't had a sole come since that newspaper article .
10 I 've been ringing him since that come through half an hour ago .
11 So ideally if you looked at that come to that .
12 It might also help the relatives to see something positive come from these unnecessary deaths .
13 We both come from those middle-income , middle-class families .
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