Example sentences of "[adj] days [conj] that " in BNC.

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1 Vega admitted that it was reminiscent of those halcyon days except that ‘ compared to the Clash audience , these guys are just a stream of piss ! ’
2 Vega admitted that it was reminiscent of those halcyon days except that ‘ compared to the Clash audience , these guys are just a stream of piss ! ’
3 On March 2nd 1872 , a letter came from the Mayor saying that the Corporation 's building would be ready in a few days and that they would be willing to receive patients under ‘ such arrangements as may be deemed best adapted to check the progress of the epidemic ’ .
4 A spokesman for the Northern Constabulary at Inverness denied the accusations of harassment but confirmed that the site had been visited twice in the last few days and that several people had been charged .
5 So we were playing three games every six days and that just does n't allow enough recovery time from injuries .
6 Another reason why the Greeks may have chosen the number 360 is because they thought the year was made up of 360 days and that the sun went round the earth once a year .
7 And we felt that team two have gone the other way , tha that the work spread out and actually when you looked at the , at the project plan at the back , erm that in fact a surveyor was out for six hundred and eighty three DOPACS units which is about ten days and that had spread all through May , June and July .
8 ‘ I was only away four days and that included the weekend . ’
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