Example sentences of "[adj] thing that he " in BNC.

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1 Tiny little thing that he is ! ’ ) has faded out of her life as smoothly as he shimmered in and left her a Cartier pen which she seems to have mislaid .
2 Not that it had done Oliver Rattrie any good , since he 'd been caught the day after by those same Chartist women who had marched into Halifax singing the One Hundredth Psalm ; sheep no longer but howling Furies who had seized him , puny little thing that he was , and thrown him in the canal where , in his struggle to keep himself from drowning , he had lost every last shilling of the blood-money in his pockets .
3 ‘ And it 's a lucky thing that he was recorded as much as he was .
4 A terrible thing that he , he had Alzheimer 's Disease for so long I mean , he was only , you know , sixty seven when he died , terrible .
5 Well the man in the white waistcoat followed the gentleman with the white waistcoat into even if he gets stuck in a chimney , worse thing that he the gentleman in the white waistcoat appeared his only chance he has is
6 To be deprived of his place on the mission was one thing that he was not prepared to let happen .
7 Assessing his father retrospectively with a mixture of filial compassion and uncompromising lucidity , Nizan remarked : My father depicted culture as power and wealth , as the one thing that he did not have and without which he could not become a bourgeois .
8 One thing that he noticed ; every now and again she 'd glance at the uncurtained window , as if she was checking the progress of the oncoming darkness .
9 One thing that he did make very clear at the end was that if we thought of other things that he should know about , or it would be helpful for him to know about , we should contact him , so he 's left it very open for us to have an ongoing contact which I thought .
10 Now the opting out I 'd just like to correct Bob on one thing that he said .
11 It is the only thing that he has followed so far in the debate .
12 Goodey has not looked at it satisfactorily as far as I 'm concerned and as far as many of the scheme members are concerned , I mean he has concluded that the employers are still entitled to er do what they like with the surplus , the only thing that he recommends that they do it with the approval of the regulator himself , but he the other thing that the
13 The first thing that he noticed was that the lights were out and that she 'd set up candles from his emergency supply in one of the kitchen cupboards .
14 But the first thing that he says is really at the heart of his answer to the differing points of view about false ‘ gods ’ .
15 Perhaps the first thing that he will tell us is whether his hon. Friend cleared that article with him in advance .
16 The first thing that he obviously ma , was made aware of , was that the Lord Jesus is always ready to meet the need of a seeking soul .
17 The last passage I 'm going to have time to read comes in the erm speech of Adam erm , not actually speech , the inward soliloquy to Adam , the first thing that he says he says his case is not yet fallen when he sees Eve .
18 If my lover was having sex with someone else and it was just a one night stand or something insignificant , it would be far less important to me than some sort of emotional thing that he might be having with someone else .
19 The man claimed to have learnt self-control , temperance , and forbearance from his observations , and to have ‘ profited more to rule his passions in the rest of his life , than he had done by any thing that he had heard , or read before ’ .
20 He thought your freelance Mrs Howard represented the same thing that he thinks he represents himself : the defence of this country .
21 So when God looks at you he does n't see FAILURE stamped across your face , because you ( and every other human being ) are the best thing that he ever created .
22 That is a reasonable proposition because , if the Minister is sincere , the last thing that he would want would be to rush in to sell-offs when the buy-out teams were not ready to participate .
23 But the General would have none of it : the last thing that he wanted was a tainted victory , with RPF delegates beholden to another party .
24 Erm it 's quite important from the next thing that he talks about is er ex abolishing exorbitant levies , obviously he says as the country is not yet unified and the authority of the imperialist and the warlords have not been overthrown there is as yet no way of removing the heavy burden of government taxes and levies on the peasants .
25 ‘ Clinton has a first-rate mind and I do n't think it 's necessarily a bad thing that he 's undefined .
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