Example sentences of "[adj] thing that was " in BNC.

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1 Another thing that was a disappointment for me was missing the traditional breaking through the ropes and the spectators at the end ; getting the police escort through to the last .
2 Russell 's carbine lay on the table , like he never went far without it ; another thing that was just like an Apache .
3 And that was another thing that was troubling her .
4 My mind was fastened on this new and fearful thing that was happening .
5 Why was it that every single time she did one little thing that was the least bit out of line she got caught at it ?
6 The Benefit was an unqualified success , which was the main thing , but asking for the support of hundreds of strangers inevitably meant that the focus of their concern would be on John as well as on the terrible thing that was happening to him .
7 So the very thing that was supposed to wake them up , the noise of the alarm bell , was turned in the dream into a wishful of now I can go on sleeping , okay there 's a bell , but it 's Sunday morning , you know , the bells are ringing , the church bells are ringing , I can go on sleeping , so they went on sleeping and they were late for the exam .
8 And whatever else the decor was or the show was that night , whatever city we were all supposed to be in , one thing that was always the same and that Madame never got rid of was the ceiling .
9 One thing that was clear from the visit of the Aussies is the importance of public relations .
10 She thought about playing her harmonica , but that seemed to be the one thing that was n't in her bag .
11 Russell does not say what form the ‘ complicated arguments ’ about the validity of this argument might take , but the chapter in which it occurs is entitled ‘ Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description ’ , so it is reasonable to suppose that one thing that was bothering Russell was the possibility that a person who meaningfully uses the word ‘ I ’ does so in virtue of knowing something which he calls ‘ I ’ not by acquaintance , but by description .
12 I I on picking up on one thing that was said
13 So there were two things that er well or perhaps more than two from matters arising from the minutes , er the Chad for the tickets , I think was one thing that was ,
14 But Barrymore said one thing that was not true .
15 Quite what that meant is unclear and perhaps was unclear then ( the terms of the 817 Ordinatio would have needed updating anyway since Pippin I had died ) ; but the one thing that was perfectly clear was that Lothar was abrogating the 839 division-plan.
16 That was one thing that was missing .
17 So one thing that was mentioned this morning was somebody wanted to be able to be more persuasive in order to put a point of view across .
18 That was the one thing that was that I read in the books that it was kind of tradition for the men to wear black .
19 One thing that was missing !
20 The one thing that was going on in Christ Church was good — did you see the exhibition , the exhibition
21 But the only thing that was important about the film was its length and the ill omens it offered for the future .
22 The only thing that was to him suspicious , was apart from the normality of liaisons at the hospital , there was no mention of a man in her life .
23 The only thing that was quite extraordinary was what I found when I got as far as the back premises .
24 The harbour wall was made of solid concrete in fact the only thing that was n't concrete was the wood that ran down the harbour wall .
25 The only thing that was missing was any audience .
26 They passed the fountain , which still lay in darkness , having beaten Stephen and the team of electricians he had had working until minutes before the guests ' arrival — the one and only thing that was not finished .
27 The only thing that was any dearer to him now than it had been when he started was his picture of the murdered woman .
28 And all the time the only thing that was going on was a cruel deception . ’
29 There was a fried chicken place open on Baker Street , about the only thing that was .
30 The only thing that was different is that , that it 's not starting on the same
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