Example sentences of "[adj] over [art] weekend " in BNC.

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1 So if you 're free over the weekend you can come round yeah ?
2 ‘ We may have some over the weekend .
3 I 'd finish a bottle in three days and another over the weekend .
4 Well in actual fact to te to tell you the honest truth we 've been so busy one way and another over the weekends have n't we ?
5 London Weather Centre predicted that it would be warmer but wet over the weekend .
6 You , you looked at this over the weekend and thought there 's not much in this , is there ?
7 When you think about it , yeah he was So what 's been wrong over the weekend then you had a cold or ?
8 I 've never been well over the weekend that 's why we got up so late .
9 On Monday morning Sam came to class events with dark shadows under his eyes , looking ten years older over a weekend .
10 Let me see the figures and I 'll dwell on that over the weekend .
11 As he ended , there was an enormous cheer on our side and I saw one of our backbenchers who had been particularly critical over the weekend waving his order paper in enthusiastic support .
12 The confidence to ring Dottie Banks , absent over the weekend , came after the Friday 's performance .
13 Like his former training partner Robb , 19-year-old Walker twice improved his personal best over the weekend .
14 Tony has been unwell over the weekend .
15 Third , the Bank may lend to relieve " technical shortages " due to , say , oversubscription to a privatisation issue ( for example , on 30 October 1981 , the Bank lent £121 million over the weekend through the discount window because of the heavy oversubscription for shares in Cable and Wireless ) .
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