Example sentences of "[adj] who [verb] lost " in BNC.

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1 Thousands more Britons will now be forced to join the 35,000 who have lost their homes since the election and the 58,000 who have lost their jobs .
2 Prime Minister Atef Sidki said on Oct. 31 that all who had lost their homes in the Cairo earthquake [ see pp. 39167-68 ] would be rehoused by the end of November .
3 At the other extreme , there are many who have lost contact almost completely with their grandchildren following the death , or divorce and remarriage , of one of the parents .
4 His hope is that eventually , if a member company goes into liquidation , the other members will fulfil its existing warranties , and refund money to those who 've lost out .
5 Tom says he hopes his success will give heart to those who 've lost their jobs .
6 It hit sectors and people who largely escaped before , the skilled , the clerical workers , the managers and the professionals who 've been badly mauled this time , and where last time around er the service sector was expanding to mop up some of those who 'd lost their jobs in manufacturing , this time the service sector too has been in deep trouble .
7 Indeed , the bitterness of separation was more terrible than before for those who had lost the belief that an afterlife would bring reunion in happiness .
8 A study of 2,000 women aged 30–54 discovered a reduction in blood pressure levels in those who had lost weight and restricted sodium consumption .
9 He despised these army men , in particular those who had lost their units in exchange for secondment to MVD camp detachments .
10 The firm 's management approached us in the summer of 1980 , asking if we could find out ‘ what had happened ’ to their former employees , and agreed to provide the names and addresses of those who had lost their jobs .
11 And the increasing use of charters in lawcourts naturally created an incentive to forge , as those who had lost or never enjoyed documentary proof of their rights strove to make good the deficiency .
12 It was agreed to abstain from hostile media campaigns , and a joint committee to meet in Paris on July 22 would discuss compensation for those who had lost property during the events of 1989 .
13 But the moment the military dictatorship resorted to armed aggression against British subjects the radical student protester , who cared for nothing but his ideals and for justice , freedom and equality , unhesitatingly sided with the invaders and began to protest , not against them , but against his own government 's attempts to restore the freedom , democratic rights and civil liberty of those who had lost them !
14 Those who had lost the pain were asked how long it had lasted .
15 ‘ We need proper compensation for those who have lost sheep and beloved dogs and face financial difficulties because of their business losses .
16 Those who have lost their teeth and wear dentures should still visit their dentist every six months .
17 The poor , the unemployed , the homeless , those who have lost and will increasingly lose the small luxuries of hope as our public services continue to decline , our environment gets dirtier and our pride in a compassionate and caring society withers away …
18 My sympathy goes to all those who have lost loved ones in motorway smashes over the holiday season , but the emotion I feel most is anger .
19 The Townsend Thoresen Disaster Fund , the Townsend Thoresen Crew Fund and the P & O Additional Fund have all been established to provide extra money for those who have lost relatives as a result of the Zeebrugge disaster .
20 Among those who have lost jobs in the manufacturing sector , some are unemployed , as indicated in Chapter 2 , and others will have left the waged economy , either through retirement or the failure to register as unemployed .
21 Since the community appears to be forever shrinking some of those in power tend to be understanding of those who have lost it -if , that is , they still sufficiently powerful in their own states to be able to override the diplomatic problems involved .
22 and for all those who have lost their livelihood and security …
23 for those who have lost husband or wife , children or parents ,
24 A Service of Remembrance is to be held in Aberdeen for all those who have lost their lives while working offshore in the North Sea .
25 Should not we now bend our efforts to supporting the proposal that the Minister mentioned and to finding some way of compensating those who have lost dearly ?
26 The hon. Gentleman , however , continues to deny the existence of that recession , which makes a mockery of those who have lost their jobs as a result of it .
27 families of those who have lost loved ones , who do n't want to see other families going through the suffering that they have gone through .
28 Thousands more Britons will now be forced to join the 35,000 who have lost their homes since the election and the 58,000 who have lost their jobs .
29 They had to pull their weight , but they brought up one or two who had lost their parents just as if they were their own children .
30 Piper , the Cardiff-based fighter with a MENSA rating of 153 who has lost only once in 18 fights , simply believes he is too clever for Benn .
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