Example sentences of "[adj] can hardly [be] " in BNC.

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1 This can hardly be described as sisterly behaviour .
2 Recently published Dataquest figures indicate a potential market size of $300 million by 1990 but with less that a year of history to go on this can hardly be taken as anything more than a guideline .
3 Two main types exist ; thermal and electrostatic although there are other categories such as the laser — although this can hardly be classified as low-cost !
4 In fact , this can hardly be done in many cases because the animals concerned are nocturnal or are very well camouflaged ; but the stiffly mounted corpse on its studio stump , so characteristic of the eighteenth century , soon came to look dated .
5 This can hardly be said for composers such as Webern , whose fifty-odd songs have accompaniments which are almost undistinguishable one from another and are certainly unmemorable .
6 But this can hardly be our fault when we consider how Milton manages , with or without intention , to build up a wonderfully vivid and intriguing portrait of Satan and offers little else to give any sense of decent , moral , proportion .
7 This can hardly be compatible with the Prime Minister 's stated aim of a classless society — quite the opposite in fact .
8 This can hardly be to deny the emperor 's gift but is certainly the action of a realist , to whom arguments from later , and perhaps what was seen to be better , evidence , are important .
9 If competition generated raw aggression resulting in defeat or death this can hardly be seen as assisting fitness maximisation .
10 Mention has already been made of the eight-petalled rosette , and its appearance in at least two of the small , tangent squares in North Hill , mosaic B ; but this can hardly be considered an important association .
11 This table of the Nations in Genesis 10 can hardly be more ancient than the seventh century B.C. Not much later Ezechiel or one of his disciples included Yavan in the lamentation for Tyre ( 27.13–19 ) .
12 There are a few thickenings in some of them , but these can hardly be described as brains .
13 Article 11 can hardly be said , therefore , to ‘ weaken ’ the Convention it allows States who wish to be more generous to a claimant than the minimum standards set out in the earlier articles to do so , but not for more than minimum standards to be imposed by a requesting State on a requested State .
14 This explains the difficulty with the first sentence in ( 30 ) , for example , repeated here as ( 57 ) : ( 57 ) Eddy will present the cheque to the winner happy happy can hardly be anything but non-restrictive here by the sense of the situation , but the corresponding requirement of form is not matched by ( 57 ) ; hence the clear perception that the result is ungrammatical .
15 Whereas the same can hardly be said of other worries , worries ( for instance ) about deception and decay .
16 The same can hardly be said of today 's Australia .
17 And just as well : because , however persuasive the case for the public ownership of particular industries , experience since 1945 can hardly be said to bear out the general case , the proposition that public ownership is the necessary precursor to the realisation of the rights of man .
18 So that can hardly be said in itself to constitute an intolerable situation . ’
19 The merits of a planning application lodged in August 1988 can hardly be expected to be judged on the basis of a yet to be prepared and approved Structure Plan Review and District-wide Local Plan , both of which will address a future Development Plan time period .
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