Example sentences of "[adj] as [pers pn] possibly " in BNC.

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1 Well there 's a general election coming up , it 's a Tory Council , they 're not gon na raise it as , as high as they possibly can are they ?
2 No , but the point is that to in all our cases to provide a community resource which is going to be of genuine use to artists and the general public , erm one has to take care that the standards of work and the standards of community facilities are as high as they possibly can be if you want to attract maximum usage , and what we will be trying to do in circumstances like this encourage as many people to come up to the Gardener at weekends during the summer and have as enjoyable a time as possible .
3 Stand in the middle of the border , tip the seeds on to the palm of your hand and throw them up in the air as high as you possibly can .
4 2 Jump up as high as you possibly can .
5 Everyone , especially London classes who have no particular stall , is asked to help as much as they possibly can to fill the stalls , not only the one with which their area is associated .
6 ‘ We shall be contributing as much as we possibly can to the home , which is actually in need of 28 new beds , ’ she added .
7 I think our delegate will appreciate that er , it is a difficult issue , we do try as much as we possibly can to project all aspects of our membership in a fair fashion , and we go out of our way er , to be fair in respect of er certain er areas .
8 Er we we have warmed it up as much I would have said this on the phone , we 've warmed it up as much as we possibly can .
9 Nevertheless , it 's our belief that through health promotion programmes which involve cooperation with communities themselves , that we can in fact do as much as we possibly can do to actually alleviate some of the erm differences in health status .
10 We have a duty , as the authority that extracts money from the taxpayer and then spends it on buying services for the taxpayer , to ensure that every pound we spend on the taxpayers ' behalf buys as much as it possibly can .
11 Now my colleague John spoke with you and he he outlined as much as he possibly can on the on the space on the telephone .
12 ‘ Just give me a room to work in , and the rest of the time I 'll keep out of your way as much as I possibly can .
13 I try to involve myself as much as I possibly can in ongoing independent Black community struggles in particular , and giving support to overall working class struggles , which are actually putting the needs of ordinary women and ordinary people first .
14 What I want to do , I want to cut the shopping down as much as I possibly can .
15 and I 've helped you as much as I possibly can in the past , a few weeks , to the best of my ability
16 Avoid over-spending in the first half of the year and set aside as much as you possibly can in the event of any tax demands or unexpected large financial outlays later .
17 They will say are you are you sure you 've got as much as you possibly can
18 Charlotte knew she should glean as much as she possibly could , but her brain seemed sluggish and uninventive .
19 I think , well , I think do everything as early as you possibly can , as long as the kid understands what they 're doing , it 's no good getting them to do things they do n't understand , if they understand negative numbers do it
20 Well , no security is one hundred per cent , it 's impossible to make any area completely secure , but it 's as tight as it possibly can be and I 'm quite happy with the security at the present time .
21 Erm we we are I will be er as brief as I possibly can be on this one .
22 Again , in erm , in animal populations what studies of sexual behaviour actually shows is that individuals are not reproducing the species for the benefit of the species , they 're reproducing themselves and their own genes as fast as they possibly can , given whatever other constraints may be operating .
23 Give her lots of reassurance , and stay as relaxed as you possibly can .
24 We read all you letters , and publish as many as we possibly can .
25 We read all your letters , and publish as many as we possibly can .
26 More importantly , it 's er conveys to the client that we care about quality , that we 've gone to the trouble to set up procedures which make our product as good as it possibly can be .
27 But unless you want to spend your time and money on litigation against surveyors , building societies , estate agents and solicitors , with no guarantee of success in the end , you need to become as competent as you possibly can in carrying out your own surveys , even if it is simply to check that the ‘ expert ’ has n't missed anything .
28 The great majority , however , carried on working as long as they possibly could .
29 They want to stay on as long as they possibly can .
30 But , gentlemen , of this I am certain , the Conservative Party has been a good thing for this country and it is our business today , and as long as we can , to keep that Party solid ; and if splits must come , to delay them as long as we possibly can ( Applause ) .
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