Example sentences of "[adj] attempts at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Judging by the way he has padded out his script with old theatrical chestnuts , this is the stage Chaplin himself has reached : the few passages of real insight are surrounded by yards of whiskery patter , strained attempts at sophisticated wit and specious topical references .
2 A concerted effort on waste management could produce harmonious results and salvage some of the valuable manpower squandered by the present government in its purist attempts at national good housekeeping .
3 What was new , however , is what Gray and Jenkins ( 1985 , p. 127 ) call ‘ organisational learning ’ : acting on experience gained from earlier failed attempts at administrative reform .
4 He cautions against any hasty attempts at imposing reform from outside , warning that they would be very likely to upset the delicate social and economic balance which society has achieved — to cause unemployment among the medical profession , for instance , and to weaken the funeral as one of the main bonds of family life .
5 An echo of this could be seen in the fascination expressed by many middle-class men with the physical features of working-class women and in the concurrent attempts at sexual colonisation embodied in prostitution of working-class girls .
6 The study of history can help to create a more discerning or aware market which can distinguish the more superficial theme park approach from the more rigorous attempts at historical reconstruction , as can be found in places such as Coalbrookdale and York .
7 The labour force realises its relatively privileged position and , therefore , does not embark on serious attempts at collective bargaining .
8 It could stop the erosion of rights catalogued throughout this book , and for this reason such a document needs to be considered seriously by the socialist opposition in Britain , and not written off as mere attempts at electoral reform when instead it should be developing a radical heart along democratic socialist lines .
9 And those who have made similar attempts at spiritual self-chronicling have hedged their story about with provisos .
11 This is particularly true for early attempts at flying cross-country , where it is vital to use a priority system for concentrating on the important aspects of the flying .
12 But my experience , that of my colleagues in other schools and research evidence based on early attempts at widespread support teaching in Scotland ( Ferguson and Adams 1982 ) , lead me to conclude that much groundwork usually needs to be done with teachers in terms of planning lessons jointly , and revising and adapting curriculum materials and teaching methods before any effective support work with individual children can begin .
13 These habitual leaders of such attempts at stylistic intrigue as the Italian market currently stages continued to show their love of the Seventies in the darkly romantic plum velvets and feather boas that will somehow seem for ever Biba .
14 However , in addition to providing information about the child , an indication of change over time may also be helpful in evaluating the success of previous attempts at remedial intervention .
15 The early hundreds often lacked the formality of later attempts at local government : frequently they met in the open , at a convenient central spot , perhaps marked by a tree , as at Easebourne .
16 Alternating attempts at forthright assertion of authority and tentative gestures of conciliation exacerbated the situation .
17 But as he has also said , for longer that any of us care to remember all attempts at rational arguments over the best use of resources in Highfields have been drowned out by noise from the grinding of axes .
18 All attempts at forced separation were met with fierce growling and threatening behaviour from the dog and a marked reluctance on the part of the stone to be ejected from the basket in which she was so blissfully happy !
19 But it was when he came to his summing-up or , as they say in Scotland , charge to the jury , that Lord Robertson abandoned all attempts at judicial impartiality .
20 As war approached , growing numbers of PPU supporters came to accept the necessity of abandoning these unhappy attempts at political engagement .
21 Indeed , they believe that instability in the past has been caused , rather than smoothed out , by governments ' futile attempts at demand-management policies .
22 Policy strategies which attack the social and economic determinants of ill-health are dismissed as futile attempts at social engineering .
23 When , later in the year , Lady Franklin found her self in Sydney , she discussed with Captain King his impressions of their mutual friend , the ornithologist , and made a note in her diary concerning Gould 's clumsy attempts at social etiquette : ‘ Captn .
24 The managerialist tradition has produced numerous attempts at budgetary reform designed to encourage a more technical appraisal of spending choices , in order to produce longer-term spending plans and management systems that link the goals of departments to outcomes or success ( Novick , 1965 ; Schick , 1966 ; Goldman , 1973 ; Cmnd 9058 , 1983 ; Likierman , 1988 ; OECD , 1987a ) .
25 Such dramatic attempts at direct action were not the only ways in which people had begun to protest at the development of nuclear power .
26 Faltering 17th-century attempts at ecumenical dialogue between western Protestants and eastern Orthodox churches are treated here in an entertaining piece , whose footnotes also show with what insolent and deliberate ease Dacre can out-pedant any pedant .
27 If you feel this makes your first attempts at pressed flower pictures rather too complicated , you can begin working with a simple picture arranged on a plain cream card and make your designs more ambitious each time .
28 Clearly , her first attempts at national reconciliation have impressed no-one .
29 Be kind to yourself in judging your first attempts at answering exam questions under a time constraint .
30 This study will examine the responses of linguists and cognitive scientists to the changing research culture of natural language processing by analysing a corpus of written and spoken texts reflecting various attempts at collaborative research .
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