Example sentences of "[adj] to live [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The fundamentalist is afraid to live with questions .
2 In Sinead 's interview , she proposed a motion which says : ‘ If everyone else was going to do it , would you be prepared to live without money ? ’
3 He finds it easier to live without property .
4 Are you willing to live on bread and cheese and baked beans for a while ? ’
5 She says that its almost impossible to live on state benefits at the moment and to cut them would be criminal .
6 It is impossible to live in Spain and not be radically changed , not to discover profound truths about life , and about oneself .
7 After that Albert was content to live in squalor , taking most of his refreshment next door at The Two Pheasants to save cooking .
8 The finest of them all was probably Roger Payne ( 1739–97 ) , paradoxically an uneducated , hard-drinking workman , content to live in squalor , yet , over the years 1770–97 , producing for such patrons as Lord Spencer work that influenced the craft not only in England but in France , whose binding had for so long been supreme .
9 We are very fortunate to live near Newmarket where equine veterinary care is taken very seriously and all sorts of equipment is available .
10 He said she had ruined her chances by obstinacy and might count herself lucky to live on Benedict 's charity . ’
11 We are lucky to live in Oxford and to have in our Labour Council a body which cares not only for our community but also for our environment .
12 Supposed to live at Godalming . ’
13 She 's supposed to live down Station Road in Hatfield .
14 It was rumoured that the Ceauşescu pair were personally scrutinizing the Securitate files on those considered possibly worthy to live within sight of their own residence .
15 They are twice as likely to live in council housing , twice as likely to be supported by someone in class V ( if at all ) than in any other class ( Werner 1984 ) .
16 What does it feel like to live through things like that ?
17 The ceilidh was held in the stable yard of the castle but as there was no lighting , festivities had to cease when it got dark ; great to live by nature 's principles like this , but a shame to stop when it was going so well !
18 Although it set a standard , model housing of any description could only touch the fringes of the problem ; the vast majority of the poor continued to live in houses far from model .
19 It would be impossible for the affluent to live in peace if conflict after conflict exploded in the third world .
20 and it becomes effortless to live in accord with my nature .
21 So , as the couple fly off for another holiday in Richard 's private jet , they can be happy in the knowledge that in the unlikely event that Richard should ever loose his millions , they 'll be able to live on love .
22 In contrast to the chances afforded by the cotton mills , consider Davies ' comment of 1795 on the condition of Berkshire farm labourers ' families , scarcely able to live on wages of 8 to 9s ( 40-45p ) a week , whose wives earned only from 6d to 1s ( 2½ — 5p ) weekly when their seasonal and casual earnings were averaged out .
23 Viktor Gerashchenko , the bank 's chairman , has described this deal as a trap for the government to show it will not be able to live with constraints on the money supply .
24 ‘ Pensioners should be able to live with dignity I think we have that right .
25 Some conscripts were able to live at home for at least part of their service , reporting for duty at 5.30 a.m. and returning in the late afternoon — but usually only those who lived near a training depot had permission to commute to it .
26 David Raffe ( 11 ) of Edinburgh University found that more than three-quarters of school leavers from sparsely populated areas were able to live at home .
27 Is it a sin to love , to need love , not to be able to live without love ?
28 ‘ I instruct my daughter out of concern for her safety that until such time as she raises children she should make no will : in this way she will be able to live without danger . ’
29 ‘ She agreed to marry me , but she told me straight away that she would n't be able to live in England all the time , and I told her I could n't live in L.A.
30 They let all the big companies go round digging holes in the road , and when people fall in and complain they say it 's all for their own good , and after a while they hope the people will revolt so they can give the police guns and thin out the population , and then they 'll have a police state — which is what they 've always wanted — and the rich will be able to live in peace . ’
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