Example sentences of "[adj] visit to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Charles winced and foresaw a painful visit to the field cashier in Lille .
2 She made sure that Duart and his heir would be magnificently turned out for this visit to a foreign clan .
3 After this visit to the Geurrero Centre , I discussed the prison and its regime with people both inside and outside the criminal justice process .
4 This visit to the flat , the only one I paid , produced a letter which was , as I know , typed with his own hand .
5 She certainly did n't want to cut short this visit to the pet shop , where Mr Miller had promised to tell her more about his stock of animals .
6 He himself made an extended visit to the West at the outset of his reign and on his return he created consternation — and a legend — by his impatience to change the face of Russia .
7 Therefore it was natural that the ploughing should be done in one extended visit to the field : it was convenient that this should fall in the forepart of the day while the afternoon was spent , by the oxen in resting , and by their driver and ploughman in feeding them and seeing to their wants .
8 There is no evidence , however , to show that it was not until 844 that Molla Yegan gave up his offices , that he did not , for example , do so some years earlier and either live in retirement in Bursa or go on an extended visit to the Hijaz lasting some years .
9 The UK Secretary of State for Defence , Tom King , made a four-day visit to the Falkland Islands at the beginning of March 1990 .
10 Mazowiecki arrived in Brussels on Jan. 31 , 1990 , on an official four-day visit to the European Commission .
11 After an official four-day visit to the United States on June 17-20 , President Fernando Collor de Mello announced new environmental initiatives on June 24 and dismissed Cantidio Guerreiro Guimaraes , the head of the National Indian Foundation ( FUNAI ) ; his successor was an explorer , Sidney Possuelo .
12 If there was trouble and they became unhappy , a direct visit to the leader or the chief whip would usually suffice .
13 The daily visit to a ward provides an opportunity for hearing a report on the patients from the learner .
14 On his daily visit to the laboratory to look at quality control tests on raw and processed materials , Graham added : ‘ Mills and sliphouses have never been the favourite areas of pottery factories — you either love or hate them — but for the likes of me they are a way of life . ’
15 This was confirmed only a few days ago when yet another visit to the garage became necessary , this time through no fault of the Metro 's .
16 Rock pixie Marc goofs around for Ringo before another visit to the 12-bar
17 So Yule and January passed , and the lord of Dalwolsey quite frequently caught himself wondering how he might contrive an excuse to pay another visit to the Doune of Menteith .
18 Its hue and texture made him wonder whether he could risk blowing his nose without making yet another visit to the bathroom .
19 When you have received an Offer of Mortgage , to enable a bid up to a maximum agreed limit , a further visit to the property should be made near to the date of Auction , to ensure that everything is in order .
20 Would members be interested in an organised visit to the Island 's railways in 1993 ?
21 The Art Master , Mr. J.T. Stanley , had led archaeological digs to Bakewell for the Sixth Form and organized his first foreign visit to the Pyrenees .
22 The ‘ charming and delightful ’ London lawyer grandfather who told stories , or the once stern parent who could find ‘ no limit to his indulgence for his grandchildren ; ’ the weekly visit to a landowning grandfather ‘ to whom we were deeply attached ; ’ the ‘ lengthened visits ’ from ‘ very kind ’ grandparents , or a grandson 's ‘ happiest days ’ , being ‘ thoroughly spoiled ’ in the countryside , are all typical Especially with upper-class families these visits were often directly linked with the handing down of their own distinctive family traditions .
23 But washing her hair was such torture that she eventually decided that , whatever the expense , she would pay a weekly visit to a hairdresser .
24 Snooker was his hobby , and he usually made a weekly visit to a snooker club nearby , with his next-door neighbour , Bill Austin .
25 Yours fearfully AN ANNOUNCEMENT You know , your weekly visit to the supermarket is a good start .
26 Your weekly visit to the library , perhaps ? ’
27 Vranitzky began a one-week visit to the USA on May 3 , 1990 , during which he had talks with President George Bush .
28 After this last furlough we paid a last sad visit to the school and found a small girl crying her heart out .
29 At best that personal attention will be a personal visit to the customer .
30 The highlights for me were the climax of Britannia 's stately progress through the Fleet lines and my own personal visit to the reception for Commanding Officers on board Britannia during the evening .
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