Example sentences of "[adj] values [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 13 cases liver function tests improved or remained static from the time of diagnosis , and have remained normal in two of those still alive who had normal values at diagnosis .
2 Reduced numbers of intestinal mucosal plasma cells have been reported , with a return to normal values after antibiotic treatment .
3 How can one communicate the importance of culture , the painstaking values of scholarship and of science in a society dominated by the superficial values of consumerism ?
4 For many years the arguments for access to information have emphasised on the one hand the private values of privacy and autonomy and on the other hand the public values of democratic involvement in decision making .
5 Judgements of students are often made on the basis of the subjective values of teachers or ward staff , that is , on what is believed to be good practice .
6 =58 , p<0.01 ) in values of B. Treating the 120 values of P(A) as independent the values were compared in an analysis of variance with two factors , junction and study .
7 If we choose a different set A , containing kind-of-coat but omitting form-of-fur and length-of-beak , and if the possible values for kind-of-coat are shaggy fur straight fur short feathers long feathers then the whole classification can be completed with just simple concepts because the function kind-of-coat is total .
8 It may also be noted that the transformations for V in ( 12.1 ) and ( 12.2 ) may be restated in the form that , if a real Z is a solution of Ernst 's equation ( 11.18 ) , then ( 12.7 ) and ( 12.8 ) are also real solutions with arbitrary constants a and b , though as explained above , the possible values of b are constrained by the boundary conditions .
9 Therefore , though T a is known , J 2 and f are too poorly known for the calculated range of possible values of C to provide a useful constraint on density models .
10 It will have been noted that the rhythms of body temperature and alertness are timed very similarly with higher values in the daytime and lower values at night ( compare figs 1.2 and 1.3 ) .
11 However , departures from this occur at lower values of z/L than one might guess on the basis of eqn ( 21.29 ) ; they are detectable for z/L above about 0·01 and very substantial when .
12 This creates bimodality of the logical control factor at lower values of creativity and corresponds to the engineer 's imagination .
13 Accordingly , the subjects should get more ‘ choosy ’ with higher values of a or lower values of k , in the sense that they should have higher reservation values .
14 We found lower values of vitamin E in these subjects compared with healthy controls ( 12.5 µM v 16.4 µM , p<0.005 ) and lower vitamin A values in patients with colorectal carcinoma compared with controls ( 1.33 µM v 1.5 µM , p<0.005 ) .
15 Measured values at present indicate that the chain modulus of polyethylene is certainly higher than 280 GPa .
16 Weinrich-Haste ( 1984 ) , for example , in a study which examined the political values of undergraduates , found that sociologists , at one extreme , tended towards liberalism and radicalism , while engineers were the most politically and socially conservative of the groups she looked at .
17 The specific values of citizenship voiced the social significance of ‘ the common good , ‘ service ’ , ‘ character ’ , ‘ rationality ’ , ‘ self-realisation ’ , and ‘ morality ’ .
18 This ranged from yellow gold with comparatively low values for silver , through pale yellow electrum with a higher silver content , to white gold which could pass for silver .
19 Figure 4 c shows that relatively high mortality rates of adult males , coupled with relatively low values of b , favour production of small or dwarf males .
20 Flexibility is obtained when the chains are made up of bond sequences which are able to rotate easily , and polymers containing , , or links will have correspondingly low values of T g .
21 The very low values of NO 2 observed at the end of autumn and the beginning of spring imply that the NO x reservoir is almost empty , with the remaining fraction lying at altitudes above the ozone depletion region .
22 We believe that the consistently low values of HNO 3 measured inside the vortex in spring ( Fig. 2 ) result from conversion of HNO 3 from the gas to the solid phase , probably accompanied by loss from the atmosphere altogether by sedimentation .
23 Injection into an already unstable laser stabilises it at high enough y-values : at low values of y the behaviour is , unsurprisingly , irregular .
24 The serum angiotensin converting enzyme activity was not raised in our patient , and several groups have reported high values in sarcoidosis but low values in Crohn 's disease .
25 For the BBC , the Pilkington inquiry had been a vindication and a triumph , confirming the superiority of its own service over the commercial values of ITV , which was moving rapidly into surplus .
26 Thus on the one hand the liberal , free economy strategy is evidenced in the non-censorship of all but the most extreme pornography and the encouragement of commercial values in broadcasting , which is likely to mean decreased control over pornographic images , while on the other the strong state strategy is evidenced by that hard core pornography is not open to direct viewing by the public and by the appointment of censorious watchdogs over the BBC .
27 The pattern of people espousing public values of kindness and decency , but voting in national governments of the right which eschew political ideals , is well-established in both Japan and the US , the former having a very weak socialist party , the latter having no socialist party at all .
28 Daily values of residuals in ( a ) the rotation rate , ( b ) the rotation rate after subtracting the change of slope after also subtracting the 265-day asymptotic exponential .
29 However , for compounds such as the alkali halides , it does give theoretical values of lattice enthalpies which are in good agreement with experimental values .
30 Yoshida held that Chinese communism would prove very different from the Russian variety and that the historical and cultural values of China would assert themselves over the principles of Marxism-Leninism as applied by Moscow .
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