Example sentences of "[adj] to come [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They just said that to come up with erm ideas and stuff for the dream .
2 Erm , I 'm sorry to come back to the central overheads er again , but erm it , considering that the other income largely related to ninety one , I 'm a little unclear why the central costs went down , I ca n't believe there 's been any salary cuts at
3 Tony took the overdose on Sunday night , at around the time when his father , his father 's girl friend and her son were due to come back from the pub .
4 I mean the the stuff 's due to come in on Friday , he reckons it 'll get it 's the fourth on Friday is n't it ?
5 I hope I 'm right to come back to Benedict 's .
6 Unless the Government is prepared to come up with some cash there is a real danger that the Dearing vision will be blinded by the dust which the report is rapidly gathering .
7 The only figure that they have been prepared to come up with is bad enough — the initial cost of all the preparatory work involved in making drawings , hiring expensive barristers to put the Bill through the House , and so on .
8 And whatever the scholars of the sixteenth , seventeenth , and eighteenth centuries may have said or thought in private , there were very few who were prepared to come out into the open and publish opinions directly at variance with Holy Writ .
9 but you , you ca n't make that public and you are still worried that it can go too far to the left and therefore you , you , you 've got a range of , of erm quite moderate proposals which come in which , i if they were implemented , would restrain and would maintain the su the support of the ninety percent , th that you are still only seeking to antagonize really those , those landlords who are not going to be prepared to come back within the system .
10 They were not afraid to come in after her .
11 So many houses have been burgled here and old people are afraid to come out at night .
12 Missionary Kate McBeth wrote : ‘ For a few years at first Joseph was afraid to come down upon the Nez Perce reserve — afraid of the surrounding whites and because of the many indictments against him — but this fear wore off .
13 ‘ Is it harmful to come out of a temperature as high as 76 degrees after working twelve hours , into a cold atmosphere ? ’
14 You know the old adage that , I mean one of the reasons is it 's so much easier to come up with a scandal , to come with a rats in the basement or something like that and intrigue people , than it is to come up with some , the positive angles .
15 Th the crime problem , as we 've already said is n't too , too great here but er nevertheless it 's important that we , we er keep our eyes open and try and keep crime out because some of these people that erm are living in the bigger cities that are criminals are now starting to discover that it 's easier to come out to places like Farnsfield and commit the crime , because we , we 're not experienced at it .
16 At a meeting this May the Agricultural Ministers agreed that reform was necessary and gave each other a deadline of June 1993 to come up with concrete proposals .
17 The other lad who made a commitment came as a non-believer but was willing to come along with an open mind and on studying the gospels came to believe Jesus was indeed who he said he was and shortly after made his commitment .
18 ‘ Few human geographers seem willing to come out of their national shells and take the wider view which would enable them to understand what is going on within their own countries ’ ( Thrift , 1986 , 62 ) .
19 Pertwee 's the only one who could put up with Hatton for a moment , but no one 's willing to come out with it .
20 Medical supplies are scarce , but as a prelude to this week 's talks PNG allowed some to come in from Australia .
21 We were the first union in nineteen seventy six to come out with our policy on the then Race Relations Act it 's always been a trade union issue whether it was the trade unions in Germany in the twenties and thirties fighting Hitlerism and Nazi-ism or whether it was the trade unions fighting Moseley and his black shirts in Britain it has always been part of our ideals and principles .
22 MacLachlan , victor of eight combats over the island , was fortunate to come down on Malta itself , rather than in the sea : ‘ For what seemed like hours I hung there , apparently motionless , with Malta still as far away as ever .
23 For this reason it is impossible to come up with universal rules dictating how explanations are to be provided .
24 ‘ We found it was very easy to come up with agreements that said nothing , but would impress the folks back home and the media , ’ said Mr Goodwin .
25 " The autumn gales 'll be on us in a few weeks , and the volunteers wo n't be so easy to come by after that . "
26 Replacements for your plantation wo n't be so easy to come by in future . "
27 And in a sense , he actually very neatly defined several different points without getting his knickers in a twist , and wearing different hats it would be so easy to come out with a muddled thing which would end up by being him feeling uncomfortable but him also being part of the Government and the Atomic Energy Authority .
28 Though most merchants say it is too early to come up with a firm idea of the trade , the initial reports on quality suggest some low nitrogens and good bushel weights , at least for the Puffin that seems to predominate at the moment .
29 With this background of ‘ westernisation ’ it was considered natural to come over to England to complete my education .
30 For which of these excursions was he in the company of Yeats ? presumably from the Pound papers now at New Haven it would not be hard to come up with answers to these questions .
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