Example sentences of "[adj] teachers ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , he met it head-on : first infuriating the powerful gun lobby by signing a law banning assault weapons , then reforming New Jersey 's nearly bankrupt car-insurance programme , then fighting to change an absurdly generous teachers ' pension plan .
2 Mr Lang talks about reviving the priority given to literacy and numeracy , about restoring teachers ' standing in the community , about discipline , pride , respect .
3 As a consequence , the complexity of some teachers ' classroom organization appeared to greatly increase the proportion of the time during which children were distracted , awaiting attention or working only sporadically .
4 As they relate to decision-making about priorities and responsibilities in the classroom , these differences must affect many English teachers ' sense of purpose and professional confidence . [ … ]
5 A BAN on classes with more than 30 children was demanded last night by the Tories ' favourite teachers ' union .
6 Some books were purchased at the divisional library and these were augmented by orders based on individual teachers ' specialist knowledge and individual visits , undertaken on their own initiative to bookshops in various places .
7 For this reason , programmes of teacher education need to recognise and respect individual teachers ' responsibility for their own growth .
8 A recent step forward was the announcement in October 1990 of the formation of a broad-based teachers ' organization — the South African Democratic Teachers ' Union — which brings together a number of teachers ' unions previously separated on racial , geographical and political lines .
9 A recent step forward was the announcement in October 1990 of the formation of a broad-based teachers ' organization — the South African Democratic Teachers ' Union — which brings together a number of teachers ' unions previously separated on racial , geographical and political lines .
10 He was a real teachers ' pet , worse than me .
11 They felt that there were some fundamental problems within the education system on the islands , problems that the official teachers ' union were failing to redress .
12 An official teachers ' guide may recommend project work and locally based enquiry , whereas the official timetable renders such initiatives impossible by dividing up the day into small fragments .
13 Three point three has been rather involved er aspects of examining average teachers ' salary costs basically will fall down given that we 've had a sixty five percent return from schools and we will be able to use this year , coming year the actual mandatory points in determining how delegation of salaries should be proceeded with .
14 I suspect that other considerations are in Mr MacGregor 's mind : appraisal would require the equivalent of an extra 1,828 full-time teachers , according to the steering group , and a total cost of £36-£40m — or 0.5 per cent of the annual teachers ' salary bill .
15 The increasing use of diagnostic information and the requirements of public examinations should bring to the fore teachers ' role in assessment in comparison with their somewhat peripheral involvement hitherto .
16 During the latter half of 1990 intercommunal and linguistic tensions were again raised by a long-running teachers ' strike which from September severely disrupted both state and private schools in French-speaking Wallonia , where teachers were demanding pay increases in line with those paid in ( more prosperous ) Flanders .
17 It could be argued that the long-running teachers ' dispute of 1984 — 87 has eroded and undermined this trust .
18 The government , however , attempted to avert a threatened national teachers ' strike , by claiming that the emergency tax plan had raised enough revenues to increase their wages .
19 A national teachers ' seminar in 1975 produced an evaluation of the education reforms introduced ten years previously under President Kennedy 's Alliance for Progress .
20 From 1899 , the intention of the clergy to assume and maintain absolute control of their schools led a number of them to refuse to appoint members of the Irish National Teachers ' Organization so as to avoid trade union interference .
21 He also gained popularity with national schoolteachers by his official recognition of their newly formed union — the Irish National Teachers ' Organization .
22 In the face of even further diversion of financial resources for training away from special needs , can we build on what expertise we have to find economic and yet effective ways to overcome the present difficulties , to deepen all teachers ' understanding of learning and behaviour problems and of the way in which they might be resolved within the learning situation of the classroom ?
23 Such a shift needs to take place in two contexts — one , as we have said , is professional discourse ; the other is the strategies adopted by those responsible for promoting and encouraging teachers ' development .
24 At Hunan Teachers ' College in Changsha , the situation worsened .
25 One of the prominent candidates and activists at the Hunan Teachers ' College was eventually arrested and sent for three years to a ‘ re-education through labour ’ camp .
26 While failure to establish an effective Teachers ' Council supports the view that teaching can not be regarded as a profession , the establishment of such a Council would be fraught with administrative difficulties .
28 In Zimbabwe , black teachers ' pay was increased at independence to the levels paid to white teachers .
29 3 QUALIFIED TEACHERS ' WEEKEND 15/17th July 1988
30 Next Qualified Teachers ' Day
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