Example sentences of "[adj] to be effective " in BNC.

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1 For this to be effective there was a need for managers .
2 For this to be effective each transmitter-receiver system needs to be based on varied signals or there is great confusion and you become unable to tell which ferret is where .
3 Russia 's one advantage was numerical superiority , but for this to be effective Rennenkampf 's and Samsonov 's armies needed to unite .
4 The only other possibility was a large-scale uprising in the eastern area of the Province , while the Roman army was concentrated on the western frontier , but for this to be effective in diverting the Roman plans , timing was of vital importance .
5 For this to be effective , it is best done together with pupils making their own self-evaluation , so that teacher and pupil may agree what has been achieved .
6 Nor does resistance have to be manifest to be effective .
7 The main point to realise is that if you can not feel a positive lock , you are either not pushing hard enough or the lock is completely out of adjustment and too light to be effective .
8 Protests have to be made public to be effective .
9 Any sort of housing standard to be effective must be given the force of law , but the sad lesson of history is that specific words of the law , while intended in spirit to be a minimum statement of what is acceptable , are usually interpreted and followed as the maximum of what has to be achieved in practice .
10 A pond does n't have to be large to be effective — if it 's big enough to install a small submersible pump you could even have a fountain .
11 Until recently loudspeakers had to he large to be effective .
12 If the book is a new one , then only a homemade index of reviews following scanning of newspapers or journals is likely to be effective .
13 If such criticisms are valid , is a sterner , more restrictive approach either desirable or likely to be effective ?
14 On the other hand being sufficiently flexible to make small adjustments to your behaviour , providing the chosen mode is appropriate , is likely to be effective .
15 All these can act against only the aquatic stages , that is to say they are ‘ larvicides ’ and , as I have already emphasised , malaria control by such an attack is likely to be effective only in limited situations .
16 You have already defined what the worry is , so go on to look at the cause , list different possibilities for dealing with the cause and then decide on the action which seems most likely to be effective .
17 What are the limits on this form of organisation , in whose interests is it , and under what circumstances are claims for occupational control likely to be effective ?
18 Finally , Vygotsky 's description of the ‘ zone of proximal development ’ provides a clear indication of the way in which environmental support is likely to be effective .
19 At one level , then , leading abolitionists in parliament came to the conclusion that the language of practicality , of plausible calculations about population increase in the future in the West Indies if importations from Africa were stopped , were more likely to be effective on their colleagues .
20 The curious thing about industry is that if we think for ten minutes and draw a picture of the kind of organization we would least like to work in , and hence the one where we are least likely to be effective , we often look about and see just such an environment around us .
21 The question which organization is best fitted to undertake a particular project should be determined not only by considerations of relative expertise and resources but also by reference to the type of instrument that is most likely to be effective .
22 In the more difficult political conditions in which a Labour leader has to operate when in opposition , appeals for restraint were less likely to be effective … ’
23 The research should contribute both to psychological knowledge , by identifying the structure and content of teenagers ' knowledge of road use and how this knowledge changes as a function of experience ; to the practical business of accident prevention , by identifying what kinds of interventions are most needed in pre-driving years and when these interventions are most likely to be effective .
24 However , most subjects reported that they are doing nothing to avoid TB exposure , and many of those who report doing something are taking precautions that are not likely to be effective .
25 Equally it might be argued that since withdrawal from NATO was the last card he could play in his campaign against American influence , short of defecting from the West altogether , there were good reasons not to play it until it seemed likely to be effective or became absolutely necessary .
26 Withdrawal was likely to be effective — or , at any rate , more likely than in the past — because the totalitarian world had begun to break up and there were new possibilities for France to explore outside the West .
27 Quite frequently therefore a soldier might be appointed to head a mission in Berlin or St Petersburg in the justified belief that military men were especially welcome there and likely to be effective representatives .
28 Control of the flow of official information to newspapers and agencies and the giving of carefully orchestrated interviews to foreign correspondents were now usually more likely to be effective in moulding opinion than the mere spending of money ; and France , with its plethora of small , financially insecure and often venal newspapers , was something of a special case .
29 Open-market operations are more likely to be effective in reducing the money supply , therefore , when conducted in the bond market .
30 Monetary policy is only likely to be effective , therefore , if the government can ‘ sell ’ it to the people , so that people have confidence in its effectiveness .
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