Example sentences of "[adj] except that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There 's an effigy on the Black Prince 's tomb at Canterbury Cathedral , just like this except that his hands are together in prayer … ’
2 I could n't see the logic of this except that it protected Thatcher from any hint of ‘ doing deals with terrorists ’ .
3 I do n't know why we 're different except that someone wants to makes some trouble .
4 He looked like a buccaneer of old except that he wore not the wide-sleeved shirts and breeches of the past but the rough working clothes that had been her father 's .
5 Gutters and downpipes , once made of cast iron , are now nearly always of PVC , and none the worse for that except that they need more frequent supports .
6 They 're very similar except that one has an extra double bond .
7 What we now call Euclidean space-time is very similar except that it has four dimensions instead of two .
8 ‘ Make love not war ’ is held to be meaningless except that it is a convenient mutual treaty by which humanity favours co-operation and survival , rather than dangerous destruction .
9 I glimpsed what she had written — nothing extraordinary except that she hoped she would soon find deliverance from her troubles .
10 The canonical form obtained by a similar transformation of a matrix having equal eigenvalues , when reduced to its simplest form , has the eigenvalues in the principal diagonal , with equal eigenvalues in groups ; elsewhere the matrix is null except that there may be units in the superdiagonal .
11 Right you can have all those except that one .
12 I was n't annoyed except that it was bitterly cold , freezing .
13 Lydia watched it , thinking that they had much in common except that she had her prey in her grasp and was already preparing it for consumption .
14 ( The previous version of the Code , which was still in force when Jones was tried , was identical except that it referred only to parades , not to other identification procedures . )
15 Select a set of starting vectors Yo , arbitrary except that they must be linearly independent ; then evaluate the ( n × p ) matrix unc and use Wo to form the two square matrices of order p unc Now solve the eigenproblem ( any suitable method from this chapter may be used ) unc for its modal matrix Mo ; the spectral matrix Ao which emerges is ( see below ) a first approximation to Ay .
16 This means that D is not necessarily diagonal ; corresponding to αI there may be a ( 2 × 2 ) block which is arbitrary except that it must be symmetric and non-singular .
17 I 'm of medium height , fairly well-built except that my breasts are rather small .
18 The airport at Singapore is like any other except that it is filled with white men wearing long shorts .
19 So we see the two TV images , Sally 's sharp and contrasty , Harry 's dull and grey , and the backs of their heads as they converse , with their heads virtually touching except that they are divided by the split and , of course , by the distance between their apartments .
20 They were identical to 36–43 except that they were fitted with track brakes and regenerative equipment , for regular use on Anerley Hill .
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