Example sentences of "[adj] whom [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 Many , ranging from large estates to small-holdings in towns , were given by him to his French supporters and to those English whom he could tempt over to settle in northern France .
2 Presumably it 's also a lot to do with isolation , a lot to do with the fact that there was no one to talk to about the sexual experiences you were having and the only surrounding attitude was one of , ‘ This is something which should n't happen ’ , whereas the situation when I had my first sexual experience was one where I knew other people who were gay whom I could talk to .
3 A person writing a computer program , or a company manufacturing computer equipment will not necessarily be potentially liable to the world at large in negligence ; they will be liable , however , to those whom they could contemplate being adversely affected by any negligent act or omission of theirs .
4 After all , the boycott punished those whom there could be no intention to punish , and it made no difference to tourism , which boomed during those years .
5 Competently able , and only too willing to succour those in trouble , sickness or any other worldly adversity , she was well stocked with rancour against those whom she could not count as unfortunate .
6 Meanwhile Ras Tafari stood alone , shouldering full responsibility without real power , and uncertain whom he could trust .
7 I walked away disappointed but I was glad I 'd found someone new whom I could confide in .
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