Example sentences of "[adj] claim to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bradshaw , Foo , Doerner , Cooke : each of them had some claim to supremacy .
2 Such terms are often found to be more-or-less transferable from one problem to another , and so have some claim to significance beyond the level of the particular problem in which they were derived .
3 Despite this claim to fame the church has been subjected to several indignities , having been deconsecrated and used as a barracks and a chemical store before being reopened for worship in 1899 .
4 However , this claim to fame means NT really offers no new dekstop innovations .
5 Another claim to fame by the village is that it is the birthplace of authoress Winifred Holtby , who sadly died in 1935 at the age of 37 and is buried in the churchyard here .
6 Bregenz has another claim to fame : during July and August it is the home of the celebrated Bregenz Festival , where opera becomes aquatic .
7 Lingering in the background was the English claim to overlordship of Scotland , occasionally dragged out as a diplomatic counter to Scottish military ambitions on England 's northern border ; but these neither seriously interrupted the peace between the two countries nor undermined Scotland 's status as an independent kingdom .
8 In making it Curtis helped to unleash a force which before long would profoundly challenge the British claim to dominion in India .
9 Midshipman Callender 's friends no doubt were aware that efficiency united to interest was the strongest claim to promotion in the navy , and Lord Keith 's correspondence abounds in references to interest being a motive in bringing a man forward in the service : ‘ I have made McKenzie a lieutenant into the Rattlesnake ; he was a friend of Mr. Dunsmuress and recommended by Lord Elphinstone to me , so I am glad to have served him ’ , a comment which suggests that the admiral was influenced by something more than Mr. McKenzie 's personal abilities .
10 The problem for the archbishop was that while the king could now expect the clergy to offer subsidies for the defence of the realm , a campaign in Flanders and Gascony did not seem to be defensive of the realm , nor could the French claims to homage for Gascony be immediately construed as imperilling the kingdom .
11 In March of the following year her ambassador in Paris publicly apologised and promised that in future she would recognise French claims to precedence .
12 In Northern Nigeria power did remain in the hands of the Residents , because they possessed historical claims to legitimacy as the standard-bearers of Indirect Rule — a point always emphasized by Palmer in his dealings with junior officers — and because they were linked with the top men in a congeries of feudal autocracies .
13 For Habermas , speech acts or utterances aimed at achieving understanding contain these universal claims to validity ( Habermas 1979 ) .
14 While Bourdieu 's self-deprecatory claims to priesthood and orthodoxy turn out to be a cover for a very avant-garde sociology of culture .
15 East Germany 's slender claim to legitimacy rests above all on the fraudulent implication that it is the good non-Nazi , never-Nazi Germany , any Nazi-supporters having joined the four million renegades whose Westward migration almost drained East Germany dry before the Wall went up on 13 August 1961 .
16 The problems and abuses connected with the laws of settlement will be discussed below ; for the moment we are concerned to stress that persons with a settlement in a parish had a real claim to relief should misfortune or simply age overtake them , or indeed if they could find no work or even none at wages sufficient for the support of the family .
17 Although such volumes endeavour valiantly to stress her various charitable works , especially among the enslaved and oppressed Indians , and her experiences of a mystical marriage to Christ , Rose of Lima 's real claim to fame and sanctity was the extraordinary life of violent and self-inflicted penance which she maintained from extremely early in her childhood until she died .
18 She had ever been curious about Benedict 's background , and now more so than ever , when everything hinged on his moral claim to Merchiston Lodge .
19 Laughable in an altogether more tragic sense are No Man , who now have the dubious claim to fame of featuring three ex-members of Japan ( Steve Jansen , Richard Barbieri and Mick Kam ) in their backing band , though to the uninitiated they come across as three craggy muso casualties looking more than ready for the knacker 's yard .
20 But second key-noter Dr Arno Penzias , vice president of Research at AT&T 's Bell Labs , who besides being a Nobel prize winner has the additional claim to fame of being the boss of Unix creators Ken Thomson and Dennis Ritchie , disagreed .
21 Drummond also took with him several other letters of recommendation , but as Mrs. Mary pointed out , his chief claim to advancement was that
22 Although the feet do not stretch and point in the way we still care about in the West , the dancers do not just move from position to position ; they dance in a long poem of fluently musical movement that is classical ballet 's chief claim to fame .
23 Its chief claim to fame , local , national and even international , is that it focuses very sharply on that other great nostalgia of the motor age , the canals of Britain .
24 Although he was active in the local government of Warwickshire , Worcestershire , and , more briefly , Buckinghamshire , Throckmorton 's chief claim to fame is as one of the few who openly attacked Henry VIII over the divorce of Catherine of Aragon [ q.v . ] .
25 From notes and other materials he was also able to construct in retrospect a diary of his parliamentary career , covering in particular detail the sessions of 1701–2 , which , surviving in manuscript form , now constitutes his chief claim to fame .
26 Pritchard 's chief claim to fame , however , lies in his role in connection with a structure of a quite different type which he did not live to see executed — the famous Iron Bridge across the river Severn in Coalbrookdale , Shropshire .
27 The Other Israel looks at Jewry 's alleged Biblical claim to Palestine and finds that 80% of Israel 's occupants are descendants of East European/Asian 10th Century converts to Judaism and thus have no moral , racial or Biblical claim to the land of Palestine .
28 The principal claim to greatness of even the popes themselves , before the mid-eleventh century , lay in their conduct as bishops of Rome , building churches , organizing poor relief , and resisting the attempts of every tinpot contender for the empire to dominate the city and its people .
29 The LTA 's principal claim to fame at the end of 1992 will be the same as it is now — the richest tennis organisation in the world .
30 That is his principal claim to fame .
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