Example sentences of "[adj] relate to [det] " in BNC.

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1 Now thinking about what we 've just seen how does that relate to that .
2 This related to all current and capital expenditures arising from their Scotch Whisky businesses .
3 The only potential drawback , and this relates to all four systems , is the presence of iron ore deposits , wire netting or overhead high-voltage cables close to or within the working area .
4 This relates to both the farm worker 's own expectations from life and his subjective interpretations of what he sees around him .
5 This relates to another principal issue in managing risk , whether or not insurance is taken out ; which risks are likely to affect an organisation ?
6 These relate to each of the preceding sections , that is the modalities of the sensation , the modalities of the diarrhoea , and the modalities of the nausea and vomiting .
7 The research project will investigate in detail the employment creating effects of NCB ( E ) 's operations and how these relate to those of Local Authorities , Central Government Departments and other job-creating organiastions in the areas in which it operates .
8 similarly no information held in-house relating to those companies should be assessed , ie the principle to adopt is that we only access information available in the public domain .
9 Dickens has been very clever to intertwine all these aspects and ideas , and to make them all relate to each other , in the one central character , Pip , and the other central characters around Pip are basically just extra ingredients to make the plot work .
10 Some consider that it is inconsistent to show issue costs of one kind of capital instrument in the profit and loss account and those relating to another kind in the statement of total recognised gains and losses .
11 I think he 'd be able to relate to that .
12 How does Compact relate to such curriculum initiatives as TVEI , CPVE , etc. ?
13 Cretaceous birds are generally scarce , and some of the ‘ toothed ’ birds that are known , like the flightless , aquatic Hesperornis , seem to be difficult to relate to any of the living species .
14 The lessons of one political movement are vital to relate to many others .
15 She 's got a private code book but the point is that only she knows how the symbols , how the manifest and latent relate to each other , because only she can make those associated links .
16 These low thresholds gave an urban population embracing about 90 per cent of the total , and the rural/urban differences shown in Table 5.6 , which reveals that the greatest contrasts are to be found in cars per household and the percentage of people travelling to work on public transport ( both related to each other and to the low density of rural areas ) ; the percentage in social classes I and II ; the rate of unemployment ; and the percentage of those working in manufacturing .
17 There are two reasons for the emphasis on demand , and they both relate to some of the premises built into the idea of ‘ structured dependency ’ .
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