Example sentences of "[adj] chance [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 yeah it 's good that they had a fairer chance of getting on to the tables
2 THE STONE Roses may be thinner but these days you 've got a much fatter chance of hearing a Mock Turtles record on the radio .
3 Moreover , recent findings suggest that increased levels of luteinising hormone , which may also be associated with hyperinsulinaemia , might decrease the spontaneous chance of conceiving and increase spontaneous abortion rates .
4 Despite the firm 's dire financial health , they have a slim chance of pulling this off .
5 With a record order book , it now has a slim chance of starting to repay a bit of the $13.5 billion that it has received in government subsidies .
6 Their career opportunities consist of a fairly good chance of moving up to senior technician , and a very slim chance of becoming a lab director .
7 His bill now goes forward for a second reading but stands a slim chance of becoming law .
8 Finlay Calder 's reasonable insistence that all of the Lions party who wished should be included on the trip , accompanied by wives or girlfriends , followed by his non-availability when this chance of expressing gratitude was rejected , have seen to that .
9 erm The other side , apart from Class of Service , is the Trunk Access , and this is the same principle , erm Sir Roger would have 31 out of 31 , so he would have a very high chance of accessing a trunk if he was dialling out .
10 ‘ Because the son of a bitch wo n't let up while he thinks there is the slightest chance of getting back his quarter of a million , ’ Hugo said .
11 Every golfer in the world experiences that awful feeling of helplessness when he stands over a putt and knows that he has not the slightest chance of getting the ball near the hole , let alone into it .
12 But the Japanese have decided that anything with the slightest chance of helping to make better microchips deserves a close look .
13 Only the first would Niki have the slightest chance of repaying .
14 Germany never had the slightest chance of winning a prolonged war on two fronts .
15 Building up experience and discovering magic items gives Samson an enhanced chance of surviving the later stages of the adventure .
16 The researchers claim older women like Jean Gilliland may now have an improved chance of living longer and without the need for surgery or the side effects .
17 Stella will then purchase one block of numbers , giving the Society an improved chance of winning ! .
18 If you had a deposit in an American bank between 1929 and 1932 , you had a one-in-ten chance of losing it .
19 For instance , a new breakfast food marketed under the brand name of SLUB would stand little chance of success ; on the other hand , a flashing beacon called a GLEEPER ( on the analogy of bleeper ) might have some chance of succeeding .
20 This was surely the coldest and draughtiest station in the country , and I always had to wait there about midnight ; and I used to pray that the train would stop with a door opposite to me , so that I should have some chance of getting on at all .
21 Although individuals who went to state schools have some chance of entering these jobs , public school educated elites largely reserve such positions for themselves and their children 's group .
22 ‘ Well , she 's here , so she must think there is some chance of patching things up — not that it 's any of my business , and not that I care . ’
23 Because if you measure how well you 're doing against your own plan , you stand some chance of improving your planning .
24 With one hand people are placing children while on the other hand they are still encouraging the natural parents to think there 's some chance of having them back !
25 The main research method will be experimental : volunteers will be recruited to make choices between different chances of winning or losing small sums of money .
26 Never the less , it is the child speaking we do n't put the words into their mouths and as such when they speak and when they write it down , it 's one of the , possibly one of the few chances of having primary evidence of how the child is at er , writing er , on an official document
27 A child born in Denmark will live an average of 75 years and has less than a one in 100 chance of dying before age one . ’
28 If they had wanted to fly supersonic jets for a living , they could have applied for the RAF 's pilot training scheme — you have a one in six chance of passing that .
29 You have a one in six chance of coming a cropper on the slopes — which is trebled if you are under the influence of tranquillisers .
30 The snow hook is actually on the end of the tow line so that in the unlikely event of the karabiner unhooking — as it did once on me — — the hook stays close to you giving you an outside chance of holding on to the team .
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