Example sentences of "[adj] right [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It is likely that innocent partners have the implied right to be indemnified by the tortfeasor in respect of any liability which attaches to them under this section , though this would be subject to any express agreement to the contrary .
2 This was held not to create a public right to be enjoyed by all Her Majesty 's citizens .
3 He accused the Supreme Council of allowing citizens ' political and social rights to be flouted , and of using " slogans of democracy as a cover for a policy aimed at restoring a bourgeois system " .
4 The nice beer-bellied English gentleman with the Union Jack T-shirt and shorts , a can of lager in one hand and a cigarette in the other , has just as much right to be there as you do .
5 The wildlife that we so carelessly destroy has as much right to be on the planet as us and should be respected — we still have much to learn about them .
6 They had as much right to be there as I , and I was in no position to judge what benefits they were deriving from their experiences , beyond a developed attraction towards pyromania .
7 Homosexuals have as much right to be understood , to be treated with compassionate love as the rest of us .
8 ‘ For heaven 's sake , ’ cried Babs , ‘ you 've as much right to be here as we have . ’
9 You hardly had room enough to do your job , but you dare n't tell 'em to get out o' the way ; or else they 'd say they 'd as much right to be there as you had !
10 He had as much right to be out walking as I had . ’
11 After all , it is hardly a shocking suggestion any more to propose that dialects and slangs have as much right to be " English " as the official or received version ( again , Derrida comes to mind here . )
12 ‘ You have as much right to be here as anyone .
13 I 'm sure you have as much right to be here as anyone . ’
14 We 've as much right to be here as they have .
15 Thus could a parent make a fairly reasonable answer which would acknowledge that the child is not silly , and has a perfect right to be treated in an adult way when he asks a serious question .
16 I have no real right to be here .
17 Some , for example , would argue that if the well -established indigenous white population are taught in their mother tongue , English , those originating from the New Commonwealth deserve a similar right to be taught in their mother tongue — Urdu , Punjabi , Bengali and so on .
18 We 'll be discussing it this afternoon and Labour members told us and no doubt they 'll tell us again that the users of the centre have a democratic right to be consulted about how it was run Do n't tenant farmers have the right to be consulted ?
19 STRICTLY speaking , Greg Norman has little right to be in the Masters , which begins at Augusta National today .
20 Even here , however , status still reared its head , for Louis XIV clearly thought it derogated from his dignity as a ruler by divine right to be referred to in the final treaty in the same terms as William III , the mere constitutional king of a parliamentary state .
21 A person buying or leasing land had no previous right to be there at all , let alone to trade there , and when he takes possession of that land subject to a negative restrictive covenant he gives up no right or freedom which he previously had .
22 They challenged the Home Secretary 's 1983 policies which effectively abolished parole for certain categories of prisoners , but did win the right , with the assistance of the European Commission for Human Rights to be legally represented at prison disciplinary hearings .
23 The boards have extensive rights to be informed and consulted about their schools ' educational , disciplinary and financial policies and achievements , and to participate in the appointment of senior staff .
24 In a constitutional democracy , there are individuals whose status or office gives them the automatic right to be heard .
25 The Royal Commission on Justice has recommended changes to include curtailing a defendant 's automatic right to be tried by jury and setting up a new appeals procedure .
26 The 1980s legislation also gave parents the legal right to be informed about , and be involved in , certain aspects of school life .
27 And you have a good right to be … because … ’
28 When the light descends on the individual and the voice within speaks it has an equal right to be heard .
29 A democratic society was one in which the mass of the people played an active rather than a passive role , and in which the old traditions of deference and subordination had been replaced by a sense of equality among the people — the feeling that one man , or even one person , is as good as another , or at least has an equal right to be respected and listened to .
30 So the chapter on scepticism which occurs in part I has an equal right to be in part II .
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