Example sentences of "[adj] political and [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The ritual , mysticism , animal blood-letting and involvement in unnecessary political and financial dealings , are merely additional undesirable activities , and are none of them essential to the needs of the god-hungry masses .
2 It helps me relax after a hard day 's rapping about controversial political and social issues .
3 Ranging from advice on digging a pond , the importance of the village bobby to controversial political and conservation issues .
4 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the Queen has set a shining example of steadfast service over four decades of momentous political and social change , and will he wish her many more years of a great and glorious reign ?
5 Finance Minister Alejandro Foxley Rioseco stated on Aug. 17 that Chile had entered the category of low political and economic risk for investment , ranking it above Mexico , Venezuela , Argentina and Brazil .
6 His acute political and personal crisis was increased by a direct attack from Michael Heseltine , who said the Chancellor 's attempts to shrug off the trade deficit smacked of ‘ socialist naivety ’ .
7 A graduate in politics , philosophy and economics from Oxford and the Sorbonne , he never allows his natural optimism to put his acute political and economic antenna out of action — he predicted the recession long before others did .
8 The great difference between the events of the 1540s and earlier periods of hostility between England and Scotland was that this episode was far more than a particularly dramatic example of the eternal political and military triangle of England , Scotland and France , or even just the revival by Henry VIII and Somerset of that old English dream , the unification of England and Scotland .
9 This technology is , in fact , ideologically charged ; any version of literacy practice has been constructed out of specific social conditions and in relation to specific political and economic structures , as I hope to demonstrate below .
10 The account of the martyrdom of bishop Praeiectus , the Passio Praeiecti , and the Life of Bonitus both present complicated narratives , which doubtless conceal specific political and religious biases , but they also provide contemporary accounts of ecclesiastical appointments in a late seventh-century diocese .
11 Presenting women 's viewpoint in development through interpersonal and mass media will explode several myths of patriarchal society , especially those assuming that ‘ male-defined reality ’ is the only reality , that political and economic systems created by men are superior and that women must merely be integrated into these systems .
12 I believe a close examination of his recorded opinions , and of the idiom in which those opinions were expressed ( an idiom , even to the end , as much British as American ) , would show that Pound too was not insensible to the ideal of the aristocratic amateur in the arts , and was at least sometimes resentful , just as Yeats was , that political and socio-economic developments had made that attitude to the arts impracticable and sterile .
13 First , it is important to recognise that political and cultural developments in France , although closely interconnected , did not always coincide historically one with another .
14 Evidence is now emerging that women have been detained in order to be raped and even impregnated , and that political and military leaders knew , but condoned it.One woman who can testify to the existence of rape camps and the suffering of women , is Francoise Hampson , senior lecturer at Essex University and an expert in the law of armed conflict .
15 He argues that it is not just that the long waves each have a different pattern but that regional differentiation , and regional political and social movements , are crucial to the shape of long waves themselves .
16 SHORT-TERM political and commercial judgments can lead to commercial advantage but threaten a long-term commitment to shipping safety and quality , said Lloyd 's Register chairman Sir Roderick MacLeod in the 1991 report published yesterday .
17 As against this view , however , Jensen and Murphy suggest with some plausibility that ‘ there are strong political and organizational forces that tend to define success in dimensions other than shareholder wealth and exert pressures for actions that reduce firm value .
18 A. G. Griffith , Professor of Public Law , University of London , may have been near the mark when he wrote , ‘ In both capitalist and communist societies , the judiciary has naturally served the prevailing political and economic forces .
19 And the implications of genetics must be seen in a political context , for the use of genetic information is tied to prevailing political and economic ideologies and the interests of social institutions .
20 Thus it may be unrealistic to expect a democratically run workplace when the prevailing political and social ethos is authoritarian .
21 First , it must address itself in a relevant fashion to the kind of issues identified above , that is , it must be grounded in the moral social , economic and political problems of the late twentieth century , in contrast to our prevailing political and constitutional orthodoxies which originated in , and address themselves almost exclusively to mid-nineteenth century concerns .
22 On the other hand , the penal crisis is not simply a by-product of a ‘ crisis of capitalism ’ , and it could be largely solved without a complete political and social revolution .
23 But conditions were set fair for stable political and economic development .
24 It diverges widely from the RPR 's official line on many points , notably in its wholehearted support for European political and monetary union .
25 Such a division is of no little interest today , as politicians debate the extent of European political and economic union , and of Britain 's involvement in Europe .
26 European culture , European political and military power — and specifically French cultural and political influence — began to dominate Lebanon .
27 They were in touch with the main currents of European political and cultural life and were able to send their sons to universities such as Göttingen , Tübingen , Vienna and the Sorbonne .
28 Both UGT and CCOO in RENFE generally respond to the broad political and strategic line of their respective federations and confederations .
29 However , the system is not here interpreted to be the broad political and administrative superstructure , but the school organization …
30 Yet we hear so much in chapters 1–3 of the faithlessness of men in high positions in Israel ( chapter 4 will tell us that Eli was not only high priest at Shiloh but for forty years ‘ judge ’ in Israel , the one in whom resided the greatest political and spiritual as well as judicial authority among all the tribes ) .
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