Example sentences of "[adj] 90 [unc] cent " in BNC.

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1 By 1967 , some 90 per cent of the films made in Britain were backed by American companies .
2 Some 90 per cent of the adviser 's time is spent on medical appeal tribunals and reviews of Department of Social Security benefits for disabled people .
3 In terms of outcome the relocation of the north London operations proved to be successful with 95 per cent of the ex-north London eligible categories continuing to work in Stevenage and some 90 per cent of this group still there one year later .
4 In 1978 there were more than 33,000 unions of this kind , some 90 per cent of the total , covering more than 12 million members .
5 At the same time , Italy , which had to import some 90 per cent of its coal needs , preferred to buy cheaper , mainly American , coal on the open market rather than deal with its ECSC partners .
6 The issue arises because some 90 per cent of M3 consists of monetary sector deposits .
7 In a referendum on June 14 on the status of ex-Soviet troops in Lithuania , voting was reported as being some 90 per cent in favour of their immediate withdrawal ( i.e. in 1992 ) , in a 75 per cent turnout .
8 Marsh notes that some 90 per cent of all rights issues during this period were underwritten and that apart from the principal underwriter ( usually the organizing merchant bank ) there were invariably 100–200 sub-underwriters .
9 The landed purchases had cost £13,855 and some 90 per cent of them had been made after 1420 .
10 The remaining 90 per cent of cases remained an obstinate mystery until the middle fifties , when it became possible to culture this obscure organism on the yolk-sac of the chicken embryo .
11 The remaining 90 per cent or more included the majority of the peasants .
12 However , only 10 per cent ( originally 20 per cent ) of this subscription is paid to the Bank , the remaining 90 per cent acting as a guarantee for the Bank 's lending .
13 The remaining 90 per cent will then be in advances to customers .
14 10 per cent ( i.e. £0.9 billion ) must be kept back in the Bank of England , but the remaining 90 per cent ( i.e. £8.1 billion ) can be lent out again .
15 When this is deposited back in banks , again 10 per cent must be retained and the remaining 90 per cent can be lent out .
16 That 90 per cent of women are afraid to go out alone at night represents enormous numbers of journeys avoided and trips foregone .
17 We may conclude , for example , that 90 per cent .
18 On the one hand it would appear that only the traditional problems are being brought in ( see above ) , on the other , the fact that 90 per cent .
19 Secondly , the fact that 90 per cent .
20 Given the importance to the region of such a project , and the facts that 90 per cent .
21 At the end of January the government stated that allied bombing had damaged 84 per cent of utilities but that 90 per cent of the damage had been repaired .
22 An estimated 90 per cent of the population adhered to the Roman Catholic faith , and the Church had a massive presence in Polish society , including its own university , large numbers of priests , newspapers and periodicals , and representatives in the armed forces and the Polish parliament , the Sejm .
23 In anticipation of this , and at a time when the economy was already in grave crisis as a result of the US economic embargo , the collapse of trade with eastern Europe ( currently down by an estimated 90 per cent ) and poor sugar harvests , the Cuban government had been preparing the population for worse times ahead .
24 The leadership wants to see the proportion of union voting strength at party conferences reduced from the current 70 per cent — down for the first time this year from the traditional 90 per cent — to an eventual 50 per cent .
25 The missing 90 per cent is where the left-hand brain thinkers would not dream of looking for it — it lies in our capacity to create pictures , to visualize .
26 What happened to the other 90 per cent ?
27 At the meeting , attended by representatives of 22 countries and 11 international organizations , Machungo announced measures to combat poverty , which he said afflicted 90 per cent of the population .
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